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What is the fastest way to exchange FIAT to USDC ?

Binance P2P is the perfect option, I exchanged last week 8k USDC to Fiat and it only took an hour and the fee I paid was: less than 5 USD (don't remember the exact number but I'm sure it wasn't more than 5 bucks).
Of course you need to do KYC before and not all countries like this type of services
Binance P2P is the perfect option, I exchanged last week 8k USDC to Fiat and it only took an hour and the fee I paid was: less than 5 USD (don't remember the exact number but I'm sure it wasn't more than 5 bucks).
Of course you need to do KYC before and not all countries like this type of services
If you're KYCd, why would you need to use P2P when you can just deposit to your account?
I like SwissBorg (which is an aggregator) because nobody can tell you are sending fiat to a crypto exchange, as they give you a personal MT iban. However, for obtaining good prices you need to buy some CHSB, which I find a good investment.
I like Swissb problem is i've been in BTC since 27 cent, so when you hit the certain bench mark, SOW becomes unpractical simply because it's a since ceased PP and EXC and BKK etc

But they are fast.
What's your fee (no hidden stuff) to get 100,000 euro from bank account to USDT ?
Dm me and we discuss solutions
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