bitcoin didn't win because of its technical properties (despite being undeniably ingenious) but because these properties (and other circumstances) allowed the restoration of the balance in the galaxy by restoring the free market and disallowing cheating (not using law but by imposing physical constraints)
Everything you say about
Bitcoin can be said about
Ethereum as well. But even more so since Ethereum you can also run smart contracts so it's utility is even HIGHER, it's actually useful.
But it doesn't matter because it's all just memes.
Bitcoin won because it was the first meme. All Crypto coins are memes, some are just older / more popular than others.
transfer wealth (economical energy) to the hands of the more capable/smarter/faster/hard working/you name it - both to the benefit of the human race
Thank you for calling it wealth transfer because that's all it is- a transfer of wealth from the first people in the ponzi to the last people in the ponzi.
There is no benefit here to the human race, apart from creating liquidity for the masterminds of the ponzi and making the spread tighter.
Trump launching his coin or Melanie launching her coin, or any other coin for that matter (Bitcoin included) does not create a single extra wealth in the world, as it's all a zero-sum-game.
When someone builds a house - he created NEW wealth and added to the wealth of his nation.
But 2 people who exchange Crypto didn't create anything, apart from creating some profits for the electricity company.
In fact maybe this is the real utility of
cryptocurrency - creating a decentralized system for running ponzi schemes.
But hey, if you managed to buy cheap and now sell to FOMO-ing idiots, all the best to you
I made some nice money from Crypto but I can still see it for what it is- a system where money moves from the FOMO-people to the early people... now what is the name for such a system?