Hei guys, first post here, great to see a thread talking about this.
I'll share my research in the most interesting low tax countries to live in. I have factored cost of living, difficulty of obtaining residency, minimum days to live to be considered tax resident and whether it's a desirable place to live. I have personally been living in Andorra for a few years now with pretty much my entire income comming from capital gains, so if you have questions about Andorra feel free to ask.
Non-Dom jurisdictions are quite interesting - Malta, Ireland, UK, Cyprus. You don't pay anything that's generated abroad, you only pay taxes on the money you actually bring into the country.
UK - might be a bit hard to get residency now with Brexit if you live off passive income.
Ireland - requires 183 days to live there, otherwise it seems like a fine place but high cost of living if you want to live in Dublin.
Malta - Malta has a very interesting programme where you need to have a place rented that costs 10k€/yr minimum AND you need to pay a minimum 15k€/year in remmitance taxes but you don't have a minimum stay in the country to obtain tax residency. So basically you pay a lump sump of 15k plus the 10k in rent and you are free to live anywhere as long as you don't live more than 183 days somewhere else.
Cyprus - there's a 90 day residency but you need to setup a company. Overall I'd choose Malta or Ireland over Cyprus.
Latin America:
Panama - Up until last year it was very easy to get residency there creating a company but they currently require an investment of 200k USD in real state or a deposit - You need to live 183 days for tax residency. Tax free for everything that's generated offshore.
Costa Rica - Similar to Panama I believe.
Thailand - they have a program called Thailand Elite which allows you to reside legally there for 5 days for 15k$. You need to spend 183 days there but all the income generated outside of the country is tax free.
Malaysia - they have a program called Malaysia my second home, but last year they significally increased the requirements. I believe you now need to deposit around 200 or 250k $ in their currency (ringit) to obtain residency. You have to reside a minimum of 90 days and everything generated offshore is tax free.
HK/Singapore : I see a lot of people talking about HK and Singapore and even though they seem great places to live in I think that getting residency there is quite hard or it costs much more money than other alternatives.