An insurance is for emergency. How can anybody still consider gold an insurance when it goes down during the specific emergency-event?You will never make a los on Gold maybe you will not make big profits compared to stocks and crypto, but as @Golden Fleece mentioned, consider it an insurance.
True, a couple of months after the emergency-event gold might rise but that is usually in tandem with other assets: In 2008 gold started it's rise when the stock market gained ground again, same in 2020. Sad thing: While all other assets continue to rise, gold usually retreats after a short hype.
The insurance-qualities of gold are doubtful at best. Who likes to have an insurance that pays when you do not need it anymore?

An excellent question. Specifically in light of the fact that this thread has turned into a mirror of the comments corner of a well known gold-bug website.But why only discuss Gold, some mentioned already whisky, champagne, wine and art ?
Whiskey, champagne, wine and art. We can add old cars, antiquities in general, carpets, watches .... to the list. The problem with all this stuff is that it usually comes with high maintenance cost and/or eats up a lot of room to store. Moreover it is illiquid. If you need to sell it, every half-way savvy buyer sniffs it and will haggle you to the ground.
These collectible s are no e to have. But it is a very bad idea to sell them in case of a global emergency, real pandemic (not what politicians want to make us believe right now) or during times of war.
There is a reason why many people like plain cash. Best to keep it in the most liquid and most widely accepted currency on Planet Earth. Only when you have a sufficient amount of that boring cash you can start with collectibles.
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