What are the actual chances of getting caught?

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In most of the countries it is pretty normal that the sanction will arrive after many years, just a couple of months before the statute limitations time expired... and if the amount of tax is high enough in some countries it could reach even 12 years in case if tax crimes... so maybe in those cases after 11 years the guy would have a bad surprise...

Nowadays with CRS, before or later, it is highly probable they will check on that....
Reactions: 4br and Btraveler
That´s very interesting. 1984. I´ve never lived in Norway, but it seems like most western countries will follow suit. My conclusion is to reduce car and property ownership. Typical examples of wealth to tax man. Third world countries could benefit from an influx of wealthy immigrants.
I´ve never been to Thailand. Do they suffer from food raising prices caused by wealthy immigration, like in Costa Rica?
Hello, I am new to the forum. And have a question about leaving in a country other than one's citizenship and having company in another. Is it always efficient? I am battling an idea on living in France and having a company in France too. I would like to have an off-shore one. But a french tax lawyer told me I have no other choice as by law I must register a company in France if I live here. Is it the case?
And have a question about leaving in a country other than one's citizenship and having company in another. Is it always efficient?

Depends on many many factors

I would like to have an off-shore one. But a french tax lawyer told me I have no other choice as by law I must register a company in France if I live here. Is it the case?

Get a new tax lawyer.
Clear. How do I screen them, though? You never know which one are you going to consult with? And this is the second one telling me the same thing.

Maybe your not explaining the full advice given by tax advisors or somethings lost in translation. By register maybe they mean inform the French taxman and pay taxes in France due to CFC and PE rules but I speculate. Seek another opinion from one of the big 4 firms i.e PWC, KPMG, EY or Deloitte.
Consultations were in English, so translation is not the case. Yes, informing the French Tax authorities is obligatory regardless where is your company or what you do in life, really. I've mentioned that.

The question was is it compulsory to establish a French entity if one is living and running business from France and is UBO? Or, can I only have an off-shore business, run it from France and pay whatever taxes they want me to for the first years until it is worth reconsidering structure due to increase in profits.

I will try to contact one of Big 4. Good idea - thank you. Do you know which one is best recommended for France?
You should watch Rollerball, mate!
Reactions: Dasboot
You will end up with a pile of cash that you cannot use for anything other than buying groceries and household items
You will end up with a pile of cash that you cannot use for anything other than buying groceries and household items

For some that is good enough to have a happy carefree life.
Actually downloaded it last year, still lying around on my harddrive... Will do, once I get another bottle of wine to go with it!
Be sure to watch the original "Rollerball" with James Caan (1975), not the remake. It has a totalitarian political component to it.

BTW: As an American, "Das Boot" is my favorite foreign film of all time. I try to watch the director's cut version every few years.
I started using that as a nick when I got my first crypto in January 2018, I both knew I'd lose & told everyone that this was "learning money"

Fast forward to now & I've around doubled my assets, after a few deep dives & lots of learning hehe
For some that is good enough to have a happy carefree life.
I agree, most often the world is not black and white and cash will always find it's way to buy you what you want.

Maybe there will come a day where we all will only have digital coins and no real money any longer, once that day comes, Gold & Diamonds will still be possible payment methods.