It depends a lot on not only jurisdiction, but also the systems & ideology/culture.
This will be a long post I just realised, as I do have quite some experience in "dodging bullets" both for myself and from discussing with close contacts. Useful for myself to sum it up right now too!
1. The functionaries are completely incompetent muppets guided by idelogy. They would never manage to get anything going on their own, and will always be suspicious of anyone making it. This is key, but why?
Through the past decades there have been VERY few cases where the state has won & actually got something back from resourceful people fighting back. The case against one of the shipping magnates stretched 4 or 5 decades as far as I remember.
The ideology is one of pulling productive people down, the history of resentment and control goes back to well before the second world war. There used to be a very vibrant economy, but now the state controls almost ALL of the economy (66% in official statistics!)
How should one then handle issues in Norway?
When the digital gulag got started around a decade ago I got into a very interesting situation.
After filing digitally AND getting the receipt for doing so, of course I did nothing more - it was filed after all.
Then, a couple of months later I got a letter claiming I had NOT filed... Of course I called the muppets right away, and the tax authorities told me that I had 4 weeks to file again on paper.
This was unfortunately before I started recording ALL calls with any authority, but even then I did not trust them at all. So I called the register entity that managed the digital portal itself: same answer, 4 weeks.
So I booked my trip to Spain as planned, returning with a full week to simply file on paper again what I had already filed. I thought...
It was 3 weeks that was the deadline... And the trolls had just sent me an insane bill that did not reflect my real situation at ALL...
What to do then...?
Carefully craft a letter based on all of the above was the answer. I politely pointed out that I HAD filed, included a screenshot of the receipt.
Then I added that I understand that they might have problems the first year, bla bla blah...
When it came to the bill I started off by stating that OF COURSE I am not against paying taxes!
BUT, on the other hand, I find it too much to pay a huge bill for something that was an error and which was not my fault.
Cannot remember how long I had to wait for the answer, but what I got in return was a very interesting letter... Which kinda proved that these leeches at least try to feel better about their existence by putting some effort into what they write!
What they sent me was a very carefully crafted letter, in a style that would fit inter-governmental affairs better than dealing with a tiny hiccup.
Each main paragraph was tied to laws and regulations that were quoted back to me. The key here was that I had given some higher-up muppet all the arguments for NOT just harassing me based on their own ineptness.
The conclusion was a sentence so long, convoluted and grammatically complex that even after reading it several times I could not figure out if they had "forgiven" me or not... And I'm normally not someone who has problems reading complex stuff, I even enjoyed some Heidegger ages ago!
Of course they'd never do this if they wanted to hunt me down, so I concluded that it was OK.
Why did it work?
I started out by wilfully setting my own opinions of the useless muppets aside, then assumed that they are not evil on a personal basis after all - and then gave them all the right arguments IN THE RIGHT IDEOLOGICAL FORMAT.
This totally works in Norway, I've helped another contact through a
bankruptcy this way, and also has another friend who has dodged a HUGE bill since the eighties.
I also know people running naughty clubs based on manipulating the association entity type. NO bureaucrat would even dare touch an association that suddenly could defend itself by "being harassed" in any way ;-)
Will this work in the future?
Although I've now made it OUT of the digital gulag of Norway & have more freedom here in
Thailand, I now need to get a tighter strategy and operation for the fully automated gulag...
After setting up several companies the past 15 years in Norway I do have some very serious medical papers. The past 5 years I was deeply into the welfare system with one of the companies, both for workers we got subsidies for and for myself - I have a serious medical condition that I've been fighting for 30 years this autumn. (Dealing with the medical muppets on top of all this nearly finished me off)
So, this will be my "weapon" if I ever run into any problems with them again - and I plan to use 2020 for ALL transfers and hiding of assets in a way that ties in with me "falling out of the system" in 2019.
At present I'm not sure if I'll appeal the obvious fraud that the state has performed to cut me off. An appeal would be a valuable paper later to prove that I'm "one of the worthy ones" and not an evil,
rich businessman...
The drag is that this mentality and insane systems kills ANY initiative, independence and ability to rebuild! I'll spend the next weeks here as a gold member to finally get a GOOD plan going ;-)
Then we come to the next chapter, which is completely different.
Before the scamdemic I had just set up a local company in Thailand as a subsidiary. 2020 then killed off ALL workable revenue streams for me, and left me with a complex and potentially huge visa problem...
The solution in the end was to pay an agent to get me onto a retirement visa, mainly because I could not go on with all this impossible, convoluted problems - I was NOT productive in any capacity any longer.
Now I'll come to the main problem: even though I've been coming and going for a decade and know the culture better than most I have NO idea on how to handle this on my own...
The lawyers want an obscene sum to deregister of course, and I have no idea if some leech somewhere suddenly will send me a huge bill. Its even almost impossible to explain how to play these systems to my wife that tries to help out, but is clueless - she's never even paid taxes here as she works in an embassy haha!
I'll find a way even so, and hopefully won't get totally robbed on the way. Even though I do not know the culture I should be able to handle it somehow, AND learn a lot in the process.
Will I get a tax bill here that is based on pure speculation? I do NOT think so. The culture is completely different, its a basic fact that the state is FAR less powerful - and the norm is getting away with most things.
I've already fled the West here using my last resources, and even though I do not know how it will play out I still feel relatively calm. A way through this jungle will appear, and in the meantime I'm using
crypto exchanges here + ATMs to move most of my assets from Norway into gold lying in my safe ;-)
Adapting to the culture as well as learning all the ropes can be done by just following the flow, being too late, filing wrong things, faking stuff and maybe eventually paying a modest bribe is how it is done.
That being said I'll probably get around to using lawyers and other types of leeches the next weeks to get the beast under control. I might even be able to convert it to a holding company in the meantime, give it away or sell it - or even get it signed onto someone else for a modest payment ;-)
Then I'll start chipping away on the worst problem...
Norway AND Thailand:
Where do I legally belong? Should I file for a move formally, or just blame it all on 2020 if a problem comes up? Should I let Norway think I'm an obedient citizen sitting in my room scared of the world while Thailand thinks I'm a retiree here?
Should I get into the insane and indecent, very intrusive process of getting marriage papers from Norway, or just stay single on paper?
Will Norway eventually start pressuring their owned sheep back home to "the best country in the World", after just sending out insane tax bills to anyone not fitting in?
I do hope my gold & silver goes up a LOT at the same time as a
second passport will drop a lot in price... Right now I'd have to spend ALL assets to get one. Which I would totally do if I was 25 again!
The indecency of it all:
This is what provokes me the most. When I was completely ripped off in 98 for unemployment benefits I simply skipped paying ANY taxes for a couple of years. Looking back this was one of the few periods that I could just WORK and get on with it, without being dragged down!
I've had such problems getting through it all in the digital, ideological hellhole that Norway has gone through that most people would not get close to even understanding half a percent... You have to experience it, its the coming digital gulag of all of the West!
Even though I saw the contours of this 15-20 years ago I still tried to DO something, including setting up a Norwegian branch of a mid-size webdevelopment company based in Europe. I slept in a storage area in my shared studio for 2 years, during which I once visited the ER close by - but eventually left because I was not able to wait...
Looking back I see that a major factor in draining all of my personal resources was the combination of digitalisation and ideology. Which at least has not come as far here in Thailand.
I'm still struggling to find the correct "stance" here in Thailand before getting on with dismantling the company. Playing the victim card here does NOT work, even when its real - so I guess I'll try to pin it all on "the virus"...
At least I have a plan!

And that plan has a clear goal: to get OFF the map of all these incompetent leeches!