What are some territorial or no tax countries that don't require your physical presence to maintain residency?

You actually need way more than £1,000 rent a month more like £1,600 at least. The property you rent in Gibraltar or buy must specifically have CAT 2 qualified status. You cannot rent or buy any random property and apply for CAT 2 status that is forbidden. Health care is cheap in general. So you need a minimum of £40,000 all in plus food, utilities etc. You must also prove your way north of £2m will produce a stable income to support that 40k cost and maintain your self sufficiency otherwise you won't get in.
Reactions: OTR365
What would be the advantage of having this Gibraltese tax residence compared to Georgia*? (assuming you're an EU citizen, so you already have right to stay in the EU)

*Georgia - Conditions of Tax Residence for HNWI: proven wealth of $1mil or annual income over $75k over the last 3 years AND either residence permit of Georgia (can be obtained with a $100k real estate investment) or annual income from Georgian sources over GEL 25,000
Hmmm what are the advantages of being a resident on a 2×3 km rock... I think the answer is implied in your question already.

I can imagine one point - Gibraltar is not part of UK but part of British Overseas Territory, it was part of the European Union but was not part of the Schengen Area. Of course this is a total mindfuck situation and that can actually be beneficial in the future, kinda like Puerto Rico in relation to USA.

When the EU laws and big brother controls get more draconial, all entries/exits if you wanted to fly from EU to Georgia or vice versa will be recorded - your travels between Gibraltar and Spain may not be recorded so you may have more freedom and privacy.
What would be the advantage of having this Gibraltese tax residence compared to Georgia*? (assuming you're an EU citizen, so you already have right to stay in the EU)

Location, language, culture, access to banking etc. I mean have you tried to read Georgian language for example? And I lost track of how many times I told people I live in Georgia and they say "so your from america then?" .
Reactions: khinkali
This is completely incorrect and a dangerous advice...