I am a US citizen and I am looking at getting a residency that will lead to a second passport...not just a residency. I am an entrepreneur running my own Information Technology consulting company in the US. I want to have a "plan B" citizenship and passport, but, I don't have $100,000 USD lying around to spend on a second Citizenship by Investment program like St. Kitts, Dominica, etc. in the Caribbean. I can work remotely and in about 2 years when my younger son completes High School in the US, I can live in another country for part of the year. So, I am looking at citizenship by naturalization options that are under $100k USD like Nicaragua, Mexico, or other Latin American countries. I am also looking at just living in the Caribbean and getting citizenship through naturalization like Barbados. I would prefer shorter term naturalization periods like Argentina, Paraguay, or Ecuador. I am also looking at getting a D7 visa in Portugal and living there part of the year until I can get an EU citizenship/passport in 5 years.
Also, as a US citizen, I understand that I can gan live in the Dutch Caribbean like Aruba and Curacao with similar rights to a Dutch citizenship and apply for citizenship after 5 years. The only issue with the Netherlands is they don't permit dual citizenship and I don't want to necessarily renounce US citizenship due to family located in the US.
Any lower cost (less than $100k) recommendations on countries where I may have to put in time on the ground that will get US citizenship?