What advice you give to your younger self ? (Mistake that still regret )

troubled soul

Pro Member
Aug 23, 2020
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Hello everyone..

I want to learn about life lesson...

What are the life lesson you would like to give to your younger self ?

What are your mistake you still regret and What advice you should give to other to avoid that mistake ?
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What are the life lesson you would like to give to your younger self ?

1. Start investing early.
2. Never work for anyone and start your business.
3. Don't waste your time with university if your entrepreneurial.
4. Keep very few friends.

What are your mistake you still regret

1. Ever living in Western Europe.
2. Meeting 99% of the women from my past.

What advice you should give to other to avoid that mistake ?

1. Never sell any investment you make.
2. Ensure you experience living and working abroad
3. Don't believe all you read in the media.
What are the life lesson you would like to give to your younger self ?

Dont go to college
96 out of 100 people you will meet have -8 understanding on how reality works, act accordingly.
Get new bitch, f**k said bitch, get ridda bitch, repeat.

What are your mistake you still regret

I was very impatience back then, I shoulda worked on that.
shoulda moved to asia the first time I though of it instead of the 5th
wasted 3 years with some bitch when I could of been fucking around

and What advice you should give to other to avoid that mistake ?

You go first. Money matters. Bitches come and go, and the more you have the more bitches you get.
also just go to the gym and eat right, lifes night and day if you do it.

Be the system, play their game, its just easier.
I disagree with those who say don't go to college/university. Would be better to say go to a good one and choose the right subjects for you. Culture is never useless and you might find more difficult to go to college when you are older.
What are the life lesson you would like to give to your younger self ?
1. Never doubt your abilities.
2. listen more to that inner still voice.
3. Knowing the system was created and knowing how to beat the system.

What are your mistake you still regret
Not buying BTC, when everyone said it was irrelevant.

What advice you should give to other to avoid that mistake ?
1.study and invest in whatever your passionate about.
2. Success is about 50% know how and 50% application( knowledge must be applied)..
3. Avoid women in early stages of life, simply a waste of time...(So Glad that Dad,kept singing that into my ears and soul right from infancy).
3. Avoid women in early stages of life, simply a waste of time...(So Glad that Dad,kept singing that into my ears and soul right from infancy).
this is interesting. If you avoid women then, when do you start considering them, when you need that blue pill?
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Avoid women in early stages of life, simply a waste of time..

Agree but not because women is a waste of time but because require you to devote mental energy in the relation.

it's a pattern i see a lot, especially in very successful entrepreneurs.

It was also a part in Steve Job's movie with Ashton Kutcher when Jobs denied he was the child's father.

I was watching that movie with my fiancee and she was so angry at him while i 100% understood why he did it.

At the time he knew that a child would suck energy and time from him, time that he knew he should devote totally to pushing Apple's brand so he took a very hard and incomprensibile decision for the many.

So yes, in the early stages you should avoid getting involved in anything serious but still satisfy your Maslow's physiological needs.
Agree but not because women is a waste of time but because require you to devote mental energy in the relation.

so true, women take up mental energy,emotional energy, time and space.

moreso so at early stages the male, trys to understand who he really is,what makes him tick, his strengths/ shortcoming etc...

and naturally time/years might be required to figure and sustain a sure place in life.

The male naturally tend to be late bloomers, and hence ample time,persistence has to be given to emerge.

and hence at early stages the male has to focus internally for clarity,rather than funnelling it into unproductive spheres.
blue pill
We know way too much about your sex life.

Regarding women: YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki Steps Down. She "invented" Google's main cash cow products.

In September 1998, the same month that Google was incorporated, its co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin set up office in Wojcicki's garage in Menlo Park, California.[17] At Google, she worked on the initial viral marketing programs, helped create the company's longtime logo with designer Ruth Kedar, and spearheaded the first Google Doodles.[18][19] She also co-developed and launched Google Image Search with engineer Huican Zhu.

In 2003, Wojcicki was the first product manager of one of Google's seminal advertising products—AdSense.[20] She earned the Google Founders' Award in recognition for this work.[21] Wojcicki was subsequently promoted to Google's senior vice president of Advertising & Commerce, and oversaw the company's advertising and analytic products, including AdWords, AdSense, DoubleClick, and Google Analytics.[15][22]

YouTube, then a small start-up, was successfully competing with Google's Google Video service, overseen by Wojcicki. She recommended and subsequently managed the $1.65 billion purchase of YouTube in 2006,[15] as well as the $3.1 billion purchase of DoubleClick in 2007.

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Literally everything You said, is what I would say about this "topic"...
I wish I started investing at a younger age, the sooner the better, time flies!
I wish I'd never forgotten when an old cowboy told me "Don't trust anyone" or you'll regret it, so trust but always verify, always!
I wish I hadn't wasted energy and time chasing a couple of girls when I was younger, they weren't worth it.
I would encourage you to either go to college and learn as much as possible, or learn for yourself about everything you're interested in learning, learn, learn, learn, it's easy to spot someone that never took the time to learn anything.
Don't waste your time criticizing or hating anyone, move on and focus on yourself, easy said than done.
And remember that the most important decision you'll ever make is not what job you'll have, or how much money you can make, but finding a great person to spend your life with, as that person can help you grow and thrive, or make you a miserable ********, nothing wrong if you decide to stay by yourself and live a nomad life.
Best of luck, trust your instincts...
Start investing earlier and never underestimate the importance of diversification and asset allocation.
Study harder.
Definitely experience working abroad.
Never forget the expression 'Hope for the best, but plan for the worst'.
If there's a chance to acquire a 2nd/3rd passport, go for it!
Try to keep a foot in at least two countries and don't let each foot know what the other is doing! (This I've done for 35 years).
Obey the laws, keep a low profile and avoid going on databases.

Keeping a low profile is a good one, or you'll regret it as everything that can go wrong will eventually go wrong.
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