Hi! Just to warn all about this payment institution. I was as a client for 4 years already, the plan was so called "low risk company" but when I needed to transfer 67k EUR from my account to seller and there was nothing going on for 4 weeks, I started to gently press them by calling, emailing etc, and what do you think? they didn't speed it up, they decided to switch my rating to "high-risk" and simply deducted the fee 3000 EUR from my account! So simple, your money doesn't belong you. You can't do anything! And even after that robbery, they took another 6 weeks to transfer the amount (I must split it to two parts pay double fees etc), in total, to pay 67k I lost there with all the fees and robberies 4000 eur at least. And for sure I was lucky to sent out all the money I had there. Wish you to run asap as well. And of course I'm going to file claim to HK Police afterwards. Bastards!