Regulation is coming, day by day these centralized exchanges and platforms gonna press their customers to provide more Documents and more source of funds ...
it is time to step up to the governments and save crypto or we're gonna lose it!!
it blows my mind that these things keep happening in the united states and worldwide and people in the crypto community are
more worried about pump and dump schemes than actually stepping up for these regulations that are destroying crypto
you're going to lose your identity, and you're gonna, frankly lose your freedom period!! the fact is you're being put in these systems these social credit scores which they've already announced they're launching in the united states in 2025 2026, they're prepping for it NOW! which
means they're getting ready to put your information in the blockchain. now there's a lot of good features of blockchain crypto decentralization but there's a lot of really bad things too, and the governments are starting to utilize this to their advantage! if they get rid of paper money and everything is in a centralized digital track currency (FedCoin), with a social credit score, they can shut you down with a Click of a button..
listen you guys need to get serious take action before you lose crypto before crypto becomes worthless before they regulate it out of existence..
and before you tell me something stupid like they can't do that they don't have to be able to control crypto they control you do you understand that they can make it a felony for you to use crypto just like they've done in the past with alcohol just like they've done in the past with gold i mean you had to turn in your gold or it was a crime you can go to jail if you didn't turn in your gold in the past through the war times well we're basically wartime..
when are people gonna wake up to this crap? they're using it to control you , i mean this is the biggest privacy concern in the history of mankind but nobody cares!! this is the biggest concern to your rights and freedoms in the history of mankind and nobody's talking about it
while we need more developers building privacy coins, and BTW how many privacy coins are getting ready to come out?
virtually zero why? because they're making it illegal !! they do not want! they will be using crypto to track you, catalog you, stock
you ,inject you, chip you and dumb you down and control you and the Metaverse is gonna be the dumb world that you live in
crypto is a great thing if it's utilized properly but we're letting these big corporations in these big government-run corporations
take it over.
when are people going to wake up !! how far are you going to let the government go until you get your head out of the clouds how far?
there will be blood if we don't stand up against this serious war !