Kind of not...the dividends would be profit distribution on a members share (but for an LLC it is not fixed parts like stock, it is a fixed part of the entire profit (profit share - not really a dividend). From an IRS point of view they will treat the profit distribution as part of your income. Which means you may jump up in tax bracket and so paying a lot more in tax compared to the capital gains on "regular" stock dividends which has it's own tax percentage. This was not always the case, but now it is, thank you IRS.
I understand your point, but I dont think the wording "dividends" is to be used with LLC's, but rather profit share...well, tomatoe, tomato...anyway the mechanism (profit share vs stock) is differently taxed. But if you ask a CPA in the US they will tell you the C-Corp has share holders that make income through stock dividends vs an LLC that has members that make income on their share of the LLC with other members.
But what hell, there are for sure probably some way to issue dividends from an LLC in this wonderfully blessed country called USA, just as much as there is the possiblity to use campaign funding to pay for embarrasing stories...or wait, that is perhaps not possible anymore...damn it, IRS strikes again.