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Unlimited virtual cards with crypto deposit?

Last time I checked they didn't have 3D cards but it was around 8 months ago, I wouldn't use EPN even though they have 3D cards. It's a scammy service, they suddenly change all fees in one night, randomly deduct money from balance.
Brocard allows online ad payments and digital service payments (host domain etc.) afaik, I need cards for mostly e-commerce spendings.

As I mentioned in first post, I need multiple (unlimited if possible) cards. Otherwise the services I listed already provide high limits.

Check with brocard. AFAIK you can use them for other purchases aswell. Especially eCom.

Yeah EPN is a bit dodgy to say at least haha.
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Check with brocard. AFAIK you can use them for other purchases aswell. Especially eCom.

Yeah EPN is a bit dodgy to say at least haha.
Contacted again but their answer to ecommerce spendings:
Ok, I checked. Sorry, Sir, but BINs for this type of services is locked for new users, unfortunately. The only way to get them is through recommendation from team that works with us
I'm not buying drugs lol
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