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UK Digital ID pushed through the Kaiser

If you are British and UK goes down, it bothers you. If you are British and China goes down, you probably either don't care or (if you are UK politician/media) release some statement telling all the British, how bad China is, while silently implying what great personality you are.

We all know that the Brits are not that bad. But it still hurts to see something like this. Of course, it hurts me as much as you. But, let's be realistic:
  1. The card is not the issue. The card adds a lot of convenience and makes a lot of bulls like the CitizenCard obsolete.
  2. The loss of privacy is an issue, but still the card is again not the problem. There are many countries with better privacy that have cards and many countries like the US without cards that have horrible privacy problems.
  3. You cannot negate that the many "foreigners and idiots" in the UK are causing porblems to society and values are going down the drain. (We all know that the horrible politics partnered with horrible citizens make the country a living hell with sky high taxes and no social wellfare. But...) what do you politicians expect to do when there are riots on the streets from people calling for more safety and less fraudsters and other sort of idiots in the country? Do you think they will see the problem, lower the taxes and look for wealthier people to come? Of course not, they will promise the people what they want: safety and introduce cards.
Also, please note that even the US has now introduced RealID cards that are mandadtory for flying etc. (together with the Passport Card).
Not really answering my question. The point made was the following:
There are certain type of people who will keep telling how bad GB is, but they will still prefer their UK passports to SEA/Africa countries etc. and we all know why. No one stopping them from becoming citizens of another country they love so much and giving up their British citizenship. It's not that difficult to renounce someone British citizenship.
This suggests that if you are critical of how the UK is run, then you should revoke your citizenship to "put your money where your mouth is"

Asinine IMO, it's the equivalent of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. It's a valuable passport based on the country's history. Revoking it only makes sense in a limited set of circumstances (or if you foresee some sort of worldwide taxation, exit tax etc) but to do so based on the mismanagement of the last 20 years is shortsighted.

I mean it can all change pretty quickly. Probably won't seen as though they are leveraging the division to bring in more state powers.

It's also a blue passport...
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This suggests that if you are critical of how the UK is run, then you should revoke your citizenship to "put your money where your mouth is"
I am sorry, but that's utter bollocks. Citizens MUST be critical of their governments and hold them accountable, otherwise they quickly turn into dictatorships.
Passport is an instrument, its value directly dependant on the country's image in the world. If the country is going downhill the passport will lose its value and might become a liability (like Russian passport for instance), that's when you drop it. And having several passport is a great option for those who have means to acquire them.
I am sorry, but that's utter bollocks. Citizens MUST be critical of their governments and hold them accountable, otherwise they quickly turn into dictatorships.
Passport is an instrument, its value directly dependant on the country's image in the world. If the country is going downhill the passport will lose its value and might become a liability (like Russian passport for instance), that's when you drop it. And having several passport is a great option for those who have means to acquire them.
Where did I say citizens shouldn't be critical of their governments? Straw man garbage.

You post I quoted made the point that in order to back up your criticism, you should revoke your citizenship to somehow prove it. I am saying that's nonsense
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Which passports would you suggest would be good to hold, countries?
It depends on one's heritage and resources. I would aim for a strong EU passport with no taxation tricks (UK used to be a valid option) and maybe a Caribbean passport as an option B. If you have Jewish heritage - you are set, the same goes for some Eastern European passport (like Hungarian).