I understand this, but the weird thing is that they actually relaxed the rules for
tax residency. I mean 90 days + property for a tax certidicate is much better than the previous 180 days.
And they also added the other point:
"The individual’s usual or principal place of residence is in the UAE and the centre of their financial and personal interests are in the UAE or other conditions prescribed by the minister; or"
which leaves plenty of discretionary room and which was not present earlier. I think the earlier wording was that under exceptional circumstances you could get a certificate with less than 180 days if the minister wanted.
I mean as I wrote above, nobody should ever assume not to get reported, you should always be prepared for the worst possible outcome and always assume that things can change, look at wise.
An besides reporting, people should also care about what could trigger an investigation by tax agencies, returning to your home country and moving funds there does trigger an investigation usually. Buying a house in a EU country might trigger an investigation. I mean even if you get a tax certificate in Dubai with the 90 days rule you could end up being tax resident in another country, it all depends from what is your business
I would not bank with HSBC, I would stick to UAE banks. UAE branches of european banks tend to report you more often. In any case if you exit your country properly, this setup works. Just remember that without a tax certificate, that money is mostly spendable in the UAE. I am a
digital nomad, I live as a
perpetual traveller, but bear in mind that this is something you have to do more or less for life. That means no wife, no kids, which is fine for me, never wanted a family, but if at some point you plan to settle down, you have to do that properly too. You will need 3-4 years of tax certificates from Dubai to show that the money come from your work and not from money laundering when you spend that money in the country where you will live with your family. So think about that too