It still says that if you are not tax resident anywhere, you are tax resident in your home state. I don't lose my sleep on it, but I still think that if you come back to your home country and bring back 2 million dollars and no tax residency
certificate, you are an idiot and they could file a claim.
And to me this is a Double Taxation Treaty thing: imagine that you go back to your home country from Dubai, which is a tax haven. In those cases, you are almost certain to undergo some form of investigation as the tax authority needs to understand if they can claim your money, something they can do even if you spent the full year in the UAE and have a TRC ( which happened to a soccer player who returned to italy from the UAE, since his wife and childe were in Italy ). You have not triggered residency in your home country and you do not have triggered residency in the UAE. Do you think they will let you go? The current laws in most EU countries are that it's up to you to demonstrate that you were resident somewhere else and paid your taxes and Italy was not the center of your interests. So you have to make a strong case for that, and not having a TRC, meaning that you spent less than 90 days in a year in UAE is probably not a strong case. There could be reasons for that, but make sure to have spent less time in your home country than in the UAE, to have some hope of winning ( or settle the thing which is usually easier ).