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UAE considering movement restrictions on unvaccinated residents - any insights?

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Guys stop insulting each other, we get tired of editing and moderating threads like this.

No warnings were given this time, only friendly reminders!
G20 is in Indonesia this year - here is an article quoting the Indonesian Health Minister:

Indonesia’s Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin was quoted by local media that “a Digital Health Certificate using World Health Organization standards would be introduced during the next World Health Assembly in Geneva, in May next year.

“If you have been vaccinated or tested properly, you can move around."

Am I missing something? A lot of the posters are saying: "I just went to xyz place and they didn't ask for any proof"...isn't the whole point that this is something that was in place at one point, then they got rid of it and now they plan on BRINGING IT BACK AGAIN IN THE NEAR FUTURE ...so just bc it's not in place now doesn't mean it won't be brought back

I was planning on applying for Cyprus PR this winter
G20 includes the "leader of the EU" who represents all 28 EU countries (which includes Cyprus)
So the question is, should I bother?

It seems that after May, if this goes thru, your 5 options will be:
Agree to get vaxd as many times as they tell you is necessary
Take a test each time you want to travel - this won't be a huge deal if I can get saliva test done and it always remains an option
Find some "creative" ways around the rules - I don't need to be more specific on this
Only travel to nations outside the G20 who will be slow to implement or won't implement at all...if this remains an option (they might bully everyone into implementing it)
Don't travel, find your paradise and just be happy living there...Paraguay might fit the bill

Please no insulting answers where you talk like you definitely know what will or won't happen - nobody knows the future
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Am I missing something? A lot of the posters are saying: "I just went to xyz place and they didn't ask for any proof"...isn't the whole point that this is something that was in place at one point, then they got rid of it and now they plan on BRINGING IT BACK AGAIN IN THE NEAR FUTURE ...so just bc it's not in place now doesn't mean it won't be brought back
Yes it appears that you think they are talking about bringing back the requirement for a covid-19 vaccine. They are not. They are just talking about introducing a unified digital vaccine certificate,
which all g20 countries accept.
Take a test each time you want to travel - this won't be a huge deal if I can get saliva test done and it always remains an option
Find some "creative" ways around the rules - I don't need to be more specific on this
Only travel to nations outside the G20 who will be slow to implement or won't implement at all...if this remains an option (they might bully everyone into implementing it)
Don't travel, find your paradise and just be happy living there...Paraguay might fit the bill
No. If this system is introduced in May nothing will happen. It just means that for future Pandemics you have a unified system instead of an EU Digital Certificate / US Digital Certificate and so on.
G20 is in Indonesia this year - here is an article quoting the Indonesian Health Minister:

Indonesia’s Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin was quoted by local media that “a Digital Health Certificate using World Health Organization standards would be introduced during the next World Health Assembly in Geneva, in May next year.

“If you have been vaccinated or tested properly, you can move around."

Am I missing something? A lot of the posters are saying: "I just went to xyz place and they didn't ask for any proof"...isn't the whole point that this is something that was in place at one point, then they got rid of it and now they plan on BRINGING IT BACK AGAIN IN THE NEAR FUTURE ...so just bc it's not in place now doesn't mean it won't be brought back

I was planning on applying for Cyprus PR this winter
G20 includes the "leader of the EU" who represents all 28 EU countries (which includes Cyprus)
So the question is, should I bother?

It seems that after May, if this goes thru, your 5 options will be:
Agree to get vaxd as many times as they tell you is necessary
Take a test each time you want to travel - this won't be a huge deal if I can get saliva test done and it always remains an option
Find some "creative" ways around the rules - I don't need to be more specific on this
Only travel to nations outside the G20 who will be slow to implement or won't implement at all...if this remains an option (they might bully everyone into implementing it)
Don't travel, find your paradise and just be happy living there...Paraguay might fit the bill

Please no insulting answers where you talk like you definitely know what will or won't happen - nobody knows the future
You got that right.
The statements of Indonesia do not leave any room for interpretation. Also consider that this country still requires vaccine certificates if you want to enter that country. Their mindset should be clear:
  • Let’s have a digital health certificate acknowledged by WHO — if you have been vaccinated or tested properly — then you can move around,” said the Indonesian health minister.
  • ".... we will sub it into the next World Health Assembly in Geneva as the revision to international health regulation."

Read through the following articles and make up your mind:
which all goes hand-in-hand with a dubious "... international economic fund to support pathogen monitoring, the global development of digital networks, vaccine certification to facilitate international travel, and the establishment of fair and just research and manufacturing centers." -> BREAKING: G20 panel calls for global digital health passports
Considering that this dubious fund is promoted by countries with suppressive or autocratic leadership, you should know where they are heading.

So, choose your new residency wisely.
It is most certainly better to stay away from a country that is a memberstate of an autocratic organization. Otherwise you may find yourself in a situation to have been barred from leaving your place of residency just because it pleases the autocratic leadership.
Instead, go for a place that values its independence and is not in the spotlight.
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Let's return to this thread in May 23'. Then according to @backpacker and @WorldCitizen99 we are all required to have a digital vaccine certificate to travel(again). According to him they are re-introducing covid-19 vaccine certificates trough this scheme DESPITE most countries already states that covid-19 is now endemic.

I will add this to my calendar just for fun.
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Let's return to this thread in May 23'. Then according to @backpacker and @WorldCitizen99 we are all required to have a digital vaccine certificate to travel(again). According to him they are re-introducing covid-19 vaccine certificates trough this scheme DESPITE most countries already states that covid-19 is now endemic.

I will add this to my calendar just for fun.
In the meantime, please learn to read more careful. You will suddenly figure out that that neither me nor @WorldCitizen99 said that "... we are all required to have ..." . Instead it says ->
Otherwise you may find yourself in a situation to have been barred from leaving your place of residency just because it pleases the autocratic leadership.
It seems that after May, if this goes thru, your 5 options will be:
Anyway, after full implementation we should revisit this thread and check what a fantastic digital control & tracking tool the world leadershipm has created.
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What I think will happen is they'll come up with a new plandemic sometime in the future and because of this G20 plan they'll already have the infrastructure in place which will allow them to restrict travel. I obviously don't know when will that happen.
In the meantime, please learn to read more careful. You will suddenly figure out that that neither me nor @WorldCitizen99 said that "... we are all required to have ..." . Instead it says ->
No. You re-opened an old thread and your first response was that according to this article we will undergo UAE style restrictions(restrictions which by the way isnt there anymore, atleast not in Dubai and 80%+ of the world):
UAE style restrictions will be impleamted for the entire population of Planet Earth:
No more travel without digital vaccine certificate ->

Am I missing something? A lot of the posters are saying: "I just went to xyz place and they didn't ask for any proof"...isn't the whole point that this is something that was in place at one point, then they got rid of it and now they plan on BRINGING IT BACK AGAIN IN THE NEAR FUTURE ...so just bc it's not in place now doesn't mean it won't be brought back
You are telling Worldcitizen99 that he is right? And he seems to think that they plan on bringing restrictions back? But no they dont.
It seems that after May, if this goes thru, your 5 options will be:
Agree to get vaxd as many times as they tell you is necessary
Take a test each time you want to travel - this won't be a huge deal if I can get saliva test done and it always remains an option
Find some "creative" ways around the rules - I don't need to be more specific on this
Only travel to nations outside the G20 who will be slow to implement or won't implement at all...if this remains an option (they might bully everyone into implementing it)
Don't travel, find your paradise and just be happy living there...Paraguay might fit the bill
@backpacker you also said that WorldCitizen99 was correct regarding theese statements:

You got that right.

Since you agree with his statements. What vaccine is it you believe will be mandatory in order to travel in May 23'?

It seems that after May, if this goes thru, your 5 options will be: - FALSE
Agree to get vaxd as many times as they tell you is necessary - Vaxxed against what? Covid-19 is endemic
Take a test each time you want to travel - this won't be a huge deal if I can get saliva test done and it always remains an option - Take a test against what. Covid-19 is endemic
Find some "creative" ways around the rules - I don't need to be more specific on this -
Only travel to nations outside the G20 who will be slow to implement or won't implement at all...if this remains an option (they might bully everyone into implementing it) - Digital Covid 19 Vaccine Certificates already exists in the EU, Africa, the US and probaly 80% of all countries on planet earth
Don't travel, find your paradise and just be happy living there...Paraguay might fit the bill - You can travel all you want without having the Covid-19 vaccine.
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Is there a way to block him from my side?
I think he got banned after all - horray! The average IQ of the forum just jumped 10 points
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