UAE considering movement restrictions on unvaccinated residents - any insights?

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All fake, lies. I've already read and seen from REAL people living there, and apart from draconian lockdown measures (so is this Modi guy the famous saviour?), people is NOT dying. Stop watching terrorist media...if you turn off tv, you'll have a clearer head, it's your choice. What I see in India is that they are NO different than the rest of the world, ie, the supra-government forces in charge of this are alive and well dictating things there...

Reactions: troubled soul
If you really believe that things will get back 'to normal' after getting 'the shot', you haven't been paying attention...good luck with your shot, but bear in mind that, if you die from it, and you're covered by life insurance, the company may not honor it. In Europe, some companies are not paying the families of those who died after the shot because they claim they had signed an 'informed consent'...and since the Phar-mafia (also known as Soros and Gates backyard) is not accountable for any damages...I wish you luck with your trust in those who couldn't care less about you.

Kill Gates said it better here: ... and you really believe there is 'something real' going on...

And for any of you believing all this crap, I suggest you watch the video in full: - wake up, people.

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Not sure what to believe and what is conspiracy but it will be worth to check ones life insurance before the shot!
men relax there is no armagedon.
In India every 4 minutes someone dies because of covid according to reports.
For 1.300.000.000 population ITS NOTHING.

If you take country like Germany with 90 million people which is 1/15 of indian popultation it would mean 4 minutes x 15 that each hour somebody dies because of covid which would be 24 deaths per day.
In germany 2000 people are dying daily on cancer so what is 24 deaths because of covid.
You are to easy to be manipulated
Not sure what to believe and what is conspiracy but it will be worth to check ones life insurance before the shot!
Proper life insurance companies pays out for death regardless of the cause. If you left a goodbye letter and commit suicide you have made informed decision too. Usually only first 12 months of life insurance are excluded from suicide.
Proper life insurance companies pays out for death regardless of the cause. If you left a goodbye letter and commit suicide you have made informed decision too. Usually only first 12 months of life insurance are excluded from suicide.
I highly doubt they are going to pay once the death rates are going to increase massivly
Or Armageddon in your head rather. Watch more news - have more fear.

What's the percentage of fatalities there?
Most are underreported. Poor and Middle-class people do not visit hospitals as they can not afford it.
So It is very hard to analyze true picture,
People are dying, Do take care of yourself.
Initially, I also think this virus was a joke.
Now I think It is a real deadly virus.
Reactions: jjrapy
Fair enough, it's your life and your choice to live in nonsensical fear. But respect those who obviously disagree with the nonsense and don't preach the sermon that 'complying with what authorities (lol) say' makes you a morally-superior human being...because, well, it doesn't. I think you're just the perfect sheep for the slaughterhouse, but then again, that's my opinion. And if I do not impose it over yours, I sure as hell won't like it when you're trying to impose yours over mine.
So this hoax of the virus, in the end they decided to push hard vaccines also in UAE? The Sheikh has been manipulated?
Just to know so I don't make a move to a FZ there
So this hoax of the virus, in the end they decided to push hard vaccines also in UAE? The Sheikh has been manipulated?
Just to know so I don't make a move to a FZ there
No it did not end this way. It is pretty lax now (unless you have like a job with horrible bosses and mandates). If you can arrange for your own, it is ok.
Reactions: Fred
"The UAE will ban all unvaccinated citizens from travel on January 10, the country’s National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority (NCEMA) announced Saturday.

The new rules also require Emiratis planning to travel to have received a booster dose of vaccine if they are eligible. The booster can be taken six months after an individual has received their second dose of vaccine.

In the announcement, NCEMA noted that individuals that are medically exempted from taking the vaccine or are traveling for medical and treatment purposes will still be permitted to travel if they are unvaccinated. The organisation also said that travel in humanitarian cases would be unaffected."

does this affect residents?