UAE clarification of Freezone Qualifying Income

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I still think something like a US LLC with a nominee director can work well with UAE residency, especially for digital nomads.
Then you just pay out "dividends" (not a salary), the UAE would never know or care if you don't have local clients.
Seems to me like a cleaner solution than registering a UAE branch and paying a high salary to avoid the CIT.
But that's if you want to live in Dubai or need a tax residency certificate. Otherwise, as a nomad, it might be easier to just go with something like Paraguay or Thailand.

The UAE is a regulatory nightmare. You see it already with how they introduced the corporate tax.
I know someone who used to have a company in a very popular freezone. When he tried to close it, he had to sign papers stating that he was taking over all of the company's liabilities as his personal risk. Uhm, what's the point with a limited liability company again? And before they closed it, they had some organizational change, which should have brought the fees down (I don't remember exactly, something like 2 instead of 3 shareholders) - "No, once you are on the higher fee level, we never lower our fees again"
That's the kind of stuff you have to deal with. So even if you can still avoid taxes by paying a high salary, I would think twice if there's not some other way to set things up.
The UAE is a great country to live in - and a terrible country to do business in. I mean, rents are still paid with cheques...
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Perfect wording......Even In wildest dream they should not think of taxing freezone....that what is the meaning of freezone ?
May some lazy official write down rules in hurry.....wait and watch
What is the meaning of freezone? You are free to decide to use them or not

Why would an offshore company with nominee and dividend payout a solution against the 9% corporate income tax to earn the profits?

For example?
Hungary at 9% corp tax and no withholding tax on dividends
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You mean a nominee manager? as us llc doesn't have directors.
How would it matter if the income is dividends or pass through income? I assume you can call it dividends from the llc, while irs wouldn't view it as dividends, but UAE might accept it as dividends if the llc papers call it dividends. However would you have to tell UAE about this income?
What would be the issue if you call it salary?
When he tried to close it, he had to sign papers stating that he was taking over all of the company's liabilities as his personal risk.

That would be an absolute no-go for me. The new tax rules are in fact a hidden liability because nobody understands exactly whether and how they apply to their business. These rules can theoretically be changed retroactively by ministerial decree together with the rate. So, everyone closing a company there better leaves the country or might face jail if he cannot or doesn't want to pay retroactive tax bills.
The prohibition of retroactivity in law is part of the principle of predictability in any civilized country. Every civilized country has a ban on legal retroactivity enshrined in the basics of law (many even in the constitution). A country that announces tax regulations during the current tax year is legally unstable and unsuitable for business.
You mean a nominee manager? as us llc doesn't have directors.

Tomato tomato

How would it matter if the income is dividends or pass through income? I assume you can call it dividends from the llc, while irs wouldn't view it as dividends, but UAE might accept it as dividends if the llc papers call it dividends.

At least on paper, the UAE now has rules similar to high-tax Western countries: A company that is effectively managed from the UAE is tax resident in the UAE and has to pay 9% corporate income tax.
This would make it easier to explain that the company isn't managed from the UAE.

However would you have to tell UAE about this income?

Look at this thread. There is no clear information on anything.
The only thing that is relatively clear still is that there is no requirement to declare passive investment income.

What would be the issue if you call it salary?

If you receive a salary as a UAE resident, couldn't that be interpreted as you working from the UAE? Maybe you're managing the company from the UAE?
Even if you aren't managing it, if you are working from the UAE, you would probably need a license (which then would also trigger corporate tax).
I bet most people here are unaware, but even if you just want to start selling stuff on eBay, you need to get an ecommerce license in the UAE.
Reactions: fshore
Imma open an account at UOB/DBS and move back to Thailand permanently.
Indeed, as a Thai resident cashing out crypto to an offshore bank account is for now a cost-effective and headache-less option.
If it's your case, was it easy to achieve priority banking with UOB/DBS/SC/Citi... (I assume in SG but could be in HK as well) having (clean) crypto as source of funds? How much money did you have to park/invest there?
Reactions: troubled soul
This is xoredt
This is indeed the case if you are a resident or citizen from a non agressive jurisdiction. If you have ties with the EU or US it becomes much more complex and those countries agressively go after someone if they believe that person owns them tax (and they believe that rapidly) .

An EU citizen setting-up something in Hong Kong, Dubai or other tax heavens is assumed by EU tax authorities to do so with the sole purpose to avoid/evade taxes. So in this case you better make sure you have substance and you actually live in Hong Kong, UAE and/or have no ties with EU anymore, which means you have an actual real (not just paper) residence and vital interest outside EU in a non tax aggressive jurisdiction.
Reactions: jafo
US LLC which is considered to be a tax resident in UAE will be considered as a local partnership. Even almost no one uses it, this structure exists in UAE law. Partnership is tax transparent in the UAE. All profits will be considered as business profit of the sole proprietors. Even non licensed sole proprietor working in the UAE will be taxed by a CIT.
So, US LLC will be not taxes in the UAE itself. All profits will be considered as business source profit of the partners which will be taxed in the UAE.
Have a look at this FAQ:
I still believe that a transparent US LLC would not be taxed in the UAE if it has no business activity/it's not managed in the UAE.

In Germany we have a wording for something like your post:

"Keep the church in the village".

We are settled since years not only on the business side but on the personal side as well in Dubai and this won't change anytime soon.

Not sure what you think how many millions we are paying for supporting the Forum but we are fine - don't worry - we don't need to sell anything to anyone.

I don't know why there is sometimes so much negative energy involved especially against us and me as a person while in fact hundreds of people with our content provided here got settled in the UAE the past 3 years.

It's just fair that we earned something from it as well and in return we gave more and more back here.

If your mentioned KPI's here on your profile are correct - you are 41 and from Europe - I expect something different from someone in your age.

Second that - exactly what I mentioned in my earlier post.

Keeping a cool head and seeing things rational.
I have to agree with @Fred here. We are all jumping to conclusions and he's on the ground and he's still not clear as to what is going on or what all this means. Any solution we adopt must work for our particular circumstances. There's no size fits all in this industry.

(and they believe that rapidly)
The government profits EVEN when they make mistakes or lies. You and I would have to hire lawyers to defend us. So, e.g. we would have to withdraw money from our investments in Singapore (for example) to pay e.g. a lawyer in the UK who then ends up paying his taxes (+35%) to the UK government. Even when the government makes a HUGE mistake, they STILL profit and NOBODY seems to bat an eye at this. How this is lost on most people, blows my f*cking mind!
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Reactions: M4S
We understand. You are advertising a charitable activity here. And of the hundreds of thousands of dollars a year you earn from it, you donate it all to charitable purposes and you have absolutely no reason to hide the truth that would ruin an activity from which you have nothing. Or would it be completely different?
Just got a reply.

"The corporate income tax in the UAE , might cause some more attention to tax related issues, the fully understand the impact we need to understand your personal background. In general we want to point out that the corporate income tax rate for free zone companies is zero."

Meeting them tomorrow in person - keeping you posted

To be continued.
Start writing a complete truth.
Freezone company is not tax free if:
- Company does not have a real office
- Company does not have a real staff
- More than half of decisions of director/directors is made outside of UAE
- More than half of suppliers are from outside of UAE
- Company is formed for tax optimization only
- Company has customers in UAE which are not in a freezone (mainland customers)

No freezone has authority to set any tax rules. Rules are set by the law only. Federal tax authority can issue explanatory acts.

I understand that the most of your customers are people who just form a company in IFZA by using your service, obtain visa, open bank account and use it all for tax fraud in a high tax country or at least wealth hidding. The most of them just use it for crypto withdrawal to fiat without legal tax reporting in a country where they reside in reality.

Just accept actual situatuon and say truth:
UAE is not willing to close eyes on all of this shady companies / residents any more. I understand, it will harm your business a lot. But that is how it is.

Law was published and is valid. There will be no more explanatory acts from FTA nor Ministry.
Telling that there is something ubclesr is not a truth. You are just trying to buy some time for your falling business this way.