If you spend less than 90 days you will not be considered UAE tax resident but i don't understand what's your point.
Actually does somebody knows how long is "
time to PE" in UAE?
Becuase if time to PE > 90 days there could be a loophope right there.
I mean consider being the owner of a US LLC on a remote working visa in UAE.
You are considered UAE tax resident after 90 days but if the time to consider your US LLC a UAE permanent establishment is, lets say, 183 days you can game the system by leaving UAE on day 91 and managing your company from [put desidered location here] being careful about not triggering tax residency eleswhere.
Your passport is the proof that you stayed enought to get tax residency but not long enough to create a permanent establishment.
And futher, if you organize yourself in a way that you only close contracts while outside UAE you can substaintiate that while in UAE you only performed activities of a preparatory or auxiliary nature.