But I'm talking about basic day-to-day needs such as getting a simple tooth filling whenever needed, basic surgery or getting patched up quickly in case of a cut. How's the price for these things there? And is quality reliable?
You travel to the best, least expensive places with the MOST qualified health service providers due to their massive hands-on experience! 
You MUST grab the bull by its horns!
If you want things easy and have the nanny state provide it for free without actual self-reliance, there is NOTHING I can do...nor would I want to.
Please think this through... What are the chances of having so many geniuses in a small circle/city?
Even here on OCT, we all come from different walks of life, with different educations and upbringings, but we have one thing in common: being our own bosses! We share one thing, being our own bosses, in common for sure (I hope so): that it is time-tested, withstood the state's attack, and works.
No Harvard-educated dentist doing 20 implants a month is going to be better than a Colombian dentist doing 200 implants a month! Just look at the teeth of most average Europeans, including but not limited to the Brits, compared to the average Colombians and Brazilians.
No wealthy Swiss tennis player hitting the ball 20 times a day is going to be better than a poor Somalian tennis player hitting the ball 200 times per day—that's an uncomfortable reality!
Let me give you a REAL-LIFE example:
Germany, you have total body "prescans" for €2,750 - Source:
DirectClinics Total Body Scan
The same f*cking thing in Brazil (away from the tourist areas) is R$450 (+/- €73.74), and they are twice as fast as the Germans in completing the task. So much for German efficiency!
Exame: Ressonância Magnética | Jjservicosmedicos
I've accompanied relatives to the one in Germany, and I underwent the one in Brazil myself multiple times!
That is +3700% MORE expensive and takes TWICE as long! Why?
I can give even more examples that
@JohnnyDoe and a few others here would like to hear so they can laugh, but it would be too off-topic (for now

Ohhh...what the H3LL...here's one... There is this Venezuelan girl who, in Caracas, charged Bs. 200M (€52) for her four-hour spiritual consultation. She would even cook for you and clean your apartment after your treatment if you would like.
Five years later and OLDER (and a bit fatter), she is in NYC charging US$1500/hour. " Patients" have to pass a KYC (full copy of government-issued ID and social media presence) and prepay the total amount. Whether she cancels or you cancel, it is NON-REFUNDABLE, and she has the right to deny "treatment" to whomever she deems "not worthy." Same girl! I sh1t you not!
Interpret this as you see fit!
PS. By the way, the healthcare professionals in Porto Alegre were born in Brazil but are primarily of German and Italian descent. Most studied in Germany, Switzerland, Italy, or
Austria, if you are wondering how the H*ll I got down there to begin with.

In some places in Asia and Latin America, healthcare services and treatments are even cheaper, and some practitioners have a lot more experience due to a larger population.