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- traffic is encrypted even without VPN
- and the VPN provider wil see what you in the internet instead
- what's the problem with "no problems with signing in to your email or social media accounts either." without VPN?
- traffic is NOT encrypted without VPN
- trust me it´s always better that a VPN hosted somewhere far away without knowing your name and anything about you sees what you do in the interned instead of your local carrier who knows exactly everything about you and can even terminate service, throttle you down etc. Always safer with a VPN!
- keep reading the whole thread and then come back asking again relevant stuff. Just a hint go and try loging in to your accounts with Tor and then compare it with a VPN. Good luck with that.
Reactions: JohnLocke
99% of traffic is encrypted VPN or not. TLS is used almost everywhere

You don't know how VPN works

- traffic IS encrypted without VPN. Even on this very website.

- Who are you to trust you? I trust computer science more. How have you measured that it's safer to always use VPN?

- you have nothing to say
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- traffic IS encrypted without VPN. Even on this very website.
This is mostly true. Most websites uses SSL for transport encryption.
But you have one big leak there! DNS is not encrypted by default!
The provider can see which domains you are accessing, but he cannot see, what you are reading/posting there.

An the web server can save your IP. This is usually not a big deal, except he has to hand out the IP because of a lawsuit.
Reactions: daxbr
That's why you use DNS over HTTPS. — The free app that makes your Internet faster.

Although the SNI (server name identifier e.g. can leak during the TLS handshake.

One bad part about VPNs is that, if you forget to turn it off while making a payment, you can get your account frozen like with PayPal
That was a good one, will have to check it out.
Just set your DNS server IPs to and I believe as the backup and you're good. Do the same on Chrome settings so that you can take advantage of DNS over HTTPS. Also, I recommend using Brave browser as it's quite good with its built-in privacy features incl. Ads & tracker blocking. It has some bloat but you can quite easily remove it.
Reactions: JohnLocke