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This is how Monero transactions are traced


Member Plus
May 4, 2021
Chainalysis employee reveals how they trace Monero transactions (with a real case) in IRS webinar. According to the video, Chainalysis runs several poisoned Monero nodes to log connected clients and they use public blockchain data to reduce possibilities of potential sender.

In my opinion, it's great to see this companies are using dirty (and painful) way to trace transactions. That's the only way to do it. When you use private node (even better with Tor/VPN), possibility of identifying your IP is way lower. Btw, video is being censored by Chainalysis, this is why I shared archive link directly. I recommend to take a look, it contains great basic info about Monero and some technical details about tracing.
I laughed so hard at Jake! One scammer, Jake, trying to scam another scammer, IRS, on how to rob people doing business far away from them and without including them. smi(&% rof/%

This is the ONLY way these people can survive! They can't produce anything that is productive! It's always about looting and pillaging others! FFS!
indeed. the voice from that guy in the video rings 100% cuckbells on a next level.

@369 made some posts about Monero being traceable via backbones. Not seen him for a while...
the aliens took him in
Someone should do a thread on his predictions vs reality. Quite a big enough time period between them now. I actually might do it if I can summon the energy / time sink later today.
That guy is a really nice guy. Smart guy, too. Not sure about all of his predictions, as I don't lend any credence to clairvoyants. One thing that worried me about him is his blindness to being his family's martyr. I don't think it's healthy to be like this, unless I misunderstood him.

I just hope he is doing well and in peace. I learned a lot from him, so I'll always be grateful! ange¤%&
I hate it, just while I was sure Monero XMR was anonymous and secure to use it went out that it is traceable :(
It is anonymous! Don't let them lie to you! If it weren't, it would be FREE money for the Matrix. Watch the video. Focus. If anything, ask @mraleph or @0xDEADBEEF to explain how to avoid getting snagged in those "counterfeit" nodes Chainanalysis is setting up.

"My" AFF (Acquaintance of A Friend of a Friend ;)) uses it daily and trolls Chainanlysis, calling them Judas Iscariot! rof/% smi(&% :cool:

PS. The video was "leaked" to scare the idiots into compliance. Hang around the DarkWeb (but do NOT buy anything) hi%# . Those Darkwebbers are RUTHLESS...and SMART AF! ;)
It is anonymous! Don't let them lie to you! If it weren't, it would be FREE money for the Matrix. Watch the video. Focus. If anything, ask @mraleph or @0xDEADBEEF to explain how to avoid getting snagged in those "counterfeit" nodes Chainanalysis is setting up.

"My" AFF (Acquaintance of A Friend of a Friend ;)) uses it daily and trolls Chainanlysis, calling them Judas Iscariot! rof/% smi(&% :cool:

PS. The video was "leaked" to scare the idiots into compliance. Hang around the DarkWeb (but do NOT buy anything) hi%# . Those Darkwebbers are RUTHLESS...and SMART AF! ;)
That video actually proves Monero is not traceable by design, only brute-force like methods are available, if they aimed to scare people by leaking this it's stupid.
It seems like video deleted from Archive.org, someone uploaded to YouTube:
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It is anonymous! Don't let them lie to you! If it weren't, it would be FREE money for the Matrix. Watch the video. Focus. If anything, ask @mraleph or @0xDEADBEEF to explain how to avoid getting snagged in those "counterfeit" nodes Chainanalysis is setting up.

"My" AFF (Acquaintance of A Friend of a Friend ;)) uses it daily and trolls Chainanlysis, calling them Judas Iscariot! rof/% smi(&% :cool:

PS. The video was "leaked" to scare the idiots into compliance. Hang around the DarkWeb (but do NOT buy anything) hi%# . Those Darkwebbers are RUTHLESS...and SMART AF! ;)
As always, it's very hard to figure out who is right. Some really good threads have popped up in the past few weeks, which I’ve followed closely. One of them was the Lenovo thread, where the same people said Lenovo was crap, and Dell and HP were the only ones that work. Shortly after, someone else comes along and says Lenovo, Dell, and HP are all crap, and you should build your own PC – just an example.

The same thing applies to tax optimization in Switzerland, the USA, and Portugal – the threads on these topics are filled with conflicting posts.

And now we come to XMR/Monero – if we’re to rely on the videos, you have to be able to tell which are propaganda and which are legitimate.

That being said, I must say I’m happy that OCT exists, and we can have some really good discussions here. Once you figure out how to navigate through it all, it’s a huge help.

So the conclusion is that MONERO is secure and cannot be traced?
Chainalysis employee reveals how they trace Monero transactions (with a real case) in IRS webinar. According to the video, Chainalysis runs several poisoned Monero nodes to log connected clients and they use public blockchain data to reduce possibilities of potential sender.

In my opinion, it's great to see this companies are using dirty (and painful) way to trace transactions. That's the only way to do it. When you use private node (even better with Tor/VPN), possibility of identifying your IP is way lower. Btw, video is being censored by Chainalysis, this is why I shared archive link directly. I recommend to take a look, it contains great basic info about Monero and some technical details about tracing.
You claim it is a fake video below the thread?
As always, it's very hard to figure out who is right. Some really good threads have popped up in the past few weeks, which I’ve followed closely. One of them was the Lenovo thread, where the same people said Lenovo was crap, and Dell and HP were the only ones that work. Shortly after, someone else comes along and says Lenovo, Dell, and HP are all crap, and you should build your own PC – just an example.

The same thing applies to tax optimization in Switzerland, the USA, and Portugal – the threads on these topics are filled with conflicting posts.

And now we come to XMR/Monero – if we’re to rely on the videos, you have to be able to tell which are propaganda and which are legitimate.

That being said, I must say I’m happy that OCT exists, and we can have some really good discussions here. Once you figure out how to navigate through it all, it’s a huge help.

So the conclusion is that MONERO is secure and cannot be traced?
Monero is very secure if you use it correctly. This means your OPSEC should be supported by using XMR, not depend on it entirely. In other words, you need to use other secure methods alongside it, like a self-controlled VPN or node, and making transactions on a separate device using public networks.

I can only stress to never rely solely on advice from strangers. When something challenges your thinking, it’s usually worth digging deeper. As you have mentioned, the level of input is what makes OCT so great. Use the guidance here as a starting point, but always do your own due diligence. Everyone has their own biases, so it’s up to you to investigate and make informed decisions.
You claim it is a fake video below the thread?
I don't claim it is a fake video, they show an example how they traced some darkweb marketplace but this video also shows Monero is secure enough if used correctly

Let me summarize for ones who don't have technical info on this subject:
- Bitcoin transactions are not private by design, you can view / link all wallets on the blockchain explorer. This is how companies check for AML, they can list and check all wallet addresses linked to your wallet.
- Monero transactions are private, you cannot view sender / receiver or payment amount on the blockchain explorer. Companies like Chainalysis are required to use the dirty way to track transactions, they own "bad nodes", trying to analyze patterns by using public info (such as fee amount) etc. If there were another/easier way, they would simply use it.
- Monero transactions are private, you cannot view sender / receiver or payment amount on the blockchain explorer. Companies like Chainalysis are required to use the dirty way to track transactions, they own "bad nodes", trying to analyze patterns by using public info (such as fee amount) etc. If there were another/easier way, they would simply use it.
thank you for clarification, very useful thu&¤#
Run your own node and use a VPN=no issue.
any instructions for dummy's on how to do that?
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thank you for clarification, very useful thu&¤#

any instructions for dummy's on how to do that?
Very easy
For VPN you can use Mullvad. pay with XMR, no email needed.

For the node, download the official monero GUI wallet from Downloads
After install select "local node". It will take a couple of days to download the blockchain but after that you are good to go.
You will need a few hundred GB of disk space, at present my node is taking up 204GB.


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Very easy
For VPN you can use Mullvad. pay with XMR, no email needed.

For the node, download the official monero GUI wallet from Downloads
After install select "local node". It will take a couple of days to download the blockchain but after that you are good to go.
You will need a few hundred GB of disk space, at present my node is taking up 204GB.
nice, very good, I will set it up.
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