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There is a rumour of FTX insolvency

Just went long at $9.085. No real money (I don't do discretionary trading), but you can laugh at me tomorrow if it goes to zero.

The bull has arrived. A halt in trading is more likely before it goes to zero. But you may do well fingers crossed. No risk no gain.
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This is what we should be looking for. The 2008 melt down in legacy finance was about opacity and socialising losses. Every centralised exchange should list pseudonymous internal balances and exchange wallet balances. The two sums should match.
Trust is waning. What else should he post to assure the naive masses ....
Let's wait and measure him by his actions.

Meanwhile BTC (and with it the rest of the crypto market) is collapsing.
Lol so true. FTX being insolvent was FUD just 2 days ago.
That is new Fud, if you would be old enough you'd know the Tether fud being around for years and did never materialize lol.

Just to point out a very obvious difference.
Ftx was a shiny object having had NO, 0, nil, zero stresstests and was being born in up only.

Tether had many MANY stress tests, including long bear markets and just had their last one last June even in their frontyard with high contageon (meltdown of stablecoins) and they had like 30% drawdown.
That is new Fud, if you would be old enough you'd know the Tether fud being around for years and did never materialize lol.

Just to point out a very obvious difference.
Ftx was a shiny object having had NO, 0, nil, zero stresstests and was being born in up only.

Tether had many MANY stress tests, including long bear markets and just had their last one last June even in their frontyard with high contageon (meltdown of stablecoins) and they had like 30% drawdown.

Yes, you are right on this point. Still, I prefer to avoid it even if it's a 1% risk. Much rather have USDC or USDP
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