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The.. OffShore of 2020!

offers bearer shares and it is not easy, but possible to open a bank account for these companies.
Where would you open the bank account with bearer shares, can we have a bank name please?
Sounds not bad. I wonder why not others already have asked for information about Costa Rica with CR banking and how reliable it is!

When I remember right people came here for about a year ago and said US accounts are possible to open with ease, but no one ever reported back that he was able to do this in the real live. So Gerogia came into play and again no one has reported back to be able to do that, the opposite is the truth. Now you come and say Costa Rica....! hmmm and what does not cheap mean, 1 million $ ?
What are the costs like. Can u put an approx break down here for all off us to understand what are we looking at here.
That would be really cool if you could do that here!

On the side note I would like to know which bank in 2019 / 2020 is able to open a bank account for a company with bear shares. Internationally it is forbidden to do so????
I think @micand should write an article about this. I haven't seen him post here so much. But this man is legendary. I wish he would post a bit more.
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