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The Ideal Number Of Banking Relationships To Feel Safe And Secure

I would not overdramatize the matter. Bank closure is something Americans and Eurooeams are not yet used to. In other parts of the world it is a daily occurance.

So, first of all look into the banks' balance sheet as deep as you can and then pick accordingly. Stop looking for the highest interest bearing account or just put the maximum insured account into that bank.

Instead of using bank accounts for high deposit amounts, buy money market mutual funds or ETF's since they are safer.

Going with the above it is sufficient to have two banks + (maybe) one broker.
I could not agree more with you!

If you open accounts with banana EMI's, Neobanks or Retail Banks you will face troubles. if you have legit business and go with one of the bigger banks in Europe or US you will be fine.
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