We are very impressed that a serious bank resorts to black hat methods to publish cheap articles on cheap domains to once again lie their way through the world.
Here is a little excerpt from what they write in their latest publication in their war against OCT:

This really reminds me of the time iPayTotal and Panamalegal tried the same, it turned out they were major criminals and the latter's business no longer exists today.
Which bank would behave in such a way, I'm just asking?
Here is a little excerpt from what they write in their latest publication in their war against OCT:
Since when does a public forum need a financial license or be regulatedHowever, upon closer inspection, it becomes evident that OffshoreCorpTalk does not hold any formal accreditation or regulation from any financial authorities. This means that the information shared on their platform may not always be accurate or trustworthy as anyone can post without any verification process.

This really reminds me of the time iPayTotal and Panamalegal tried the same, it turned out they were major criminals and the latter's business no longer exists today.
Which bank would behave in such a way, I'm just asking?