If there's one thing I've learned about this country it's that it's very mismanaged ... so most folks might be able to finesse it without much issue.
I'm in
Thailand 20 years ... I agree with
Small and personal matters; no one seems to notice or to care.
Big amounts likely a different story, but I have no experience.
Lawyers mostly worthless; trained only to fill in forms.
I don't depend on them for any advice.
Lots of chatter from my fellow expats about bribes.
I don't subscribe to that method of getting things done.
Prepare forms correctly, be patient sitting and waiting for your number to be called (I bring a book to read), and that's all it takes.
Am I missing something?
On this topic, why is nobody talking about
gift cards from crypto in Thailand??
I've never used them, but they are available for supermarkets, meal deliveries from restaurants, department stores, computers and mobile phones, and much more. Even the Thailand version of Amazon (called "Shoppee" here) accepts gift cards.
Here's a link:
Bitrefill in Thailand
And as "e" cards in a mobile phone app, so convenient.
As tax laws are imposed -- assuming the laws will be enforced -- will gift cards become the "new
cash" for expats living in Thailand?