I am a
Canadian citizen living in Dubai. I have zero ties to Canada and don’t ever plan on going back their either. I also have a
dubai company. I want to leave dubai and go live in
Thailand per the DTV visa. But I am concerned about taxation.
I am aware of Thai tax laws that any income remitted into Thailand is taxable, this isn’t a big deal to me. As per Thai laws I understand that my foreign income not remittee into Thailand is not taxable.
I can only imagine that if I am living in Thailand 365 days a year that I would be deemed a tax resident of Thailand but given Thai laws I should only be taxed on money I bring into the country and not on my foreign income.
Is this correct?
Question is: can I maintain my Dubai company and bank accounts in the UAE while not even living there?
I need to know this because this is where my money will be stored and earned in my Dubai company. And I don’t have any plans on returning to Dubai either.