But there is more than SEA, and better value as well (at least at the moment).
You can buy landed property (land, house, etc) in Japan in your name as a foreigner, even if you are not resident and just come on tourist visa.
The only 'restricted' properties there are farms and water reserves, but one can overcome even this (lots of Chinese buying these, as a local looking Japanese company).
You can get amazing bargains if you aren't shy to fix places up, even cheaper than
Thailand, and you might be able to leave it unlocked for 6 months without any issues - not like SEA.
This one is 3,000,000 JPY, less than $20,000 for the whole house, land and free ocean view.
Fix it up, and you got an amazing place for less than 50K. Still available today.
You can't find stuff like that anywhere else anymore, not for that price and in a quite safe jurisdiction.
Though not really for anyone who wants to save tax, but perfect for living in peace.
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