Hello! Through the help of this forum I figured that the UAE maybe imposed 9% corporate tax on day/swing traders.
The UAE government recently released conditions stating that a natural person (individual) who conducts 'Business' or 'Business Activity' will be subject to the 9% corporate tax (even without running a company), if their turnover is more than 1 million AED. Source: paragraph 29 in
Corporate Tax FAQ – Ministry of Finance – United Arab Emirates
Cabinet Decision No. (49) of 2023 clarifies what is considered as 'Business' or 'Business Activity' by individual person. It states that wage, personal investment and real estate income are not 'Business' or 'Business Activity'. We can argue that day/swing trading falls under personal investment income. However, the Cabinet Decision defines personal investment as an activity that is not considered as commercial business in accordance with the
Federal Decree-Law No. 50 of 2022. Article 4 from that Decree Law says that commercial business is "Speculation works practiced by a person, whether or not a trader, for purpose of realizing profit".
So it looks like day traders in the UAE are subject to the 9% corporate tax if their turnover is more that 1 million AED (~272 000 USD). And it is very easy to generate that turnover by just trading 1000 USD every day in a year.
Turnover is defined as "The gross amount of income derived during a Gregorian calendar year" in
Cabinet Decision No. (49) of 2023. Though I'm not sure how the turnover will be counted. Will the revenue in the brokerage account included in turnover or only cash hitting the bank account?
And in case of crypto, will crypto-crypto trading revenue apply to turnover, or crypto into fiat exchange will be counted?
I am interested to know if day traders in the UAE indeed need to pay corporate tax now? Please, help.