CIM Bank remote opening online account now open!
As promised, here's a brief synopsis -
Time to open: 4 weeks plus. Could have been a bit shorter with quicker replies
Contact method: 98% email
Number of emails sent between us: 52
Information required: everything, and I mean everything...!
Number of documents sent: over 40
My case: potentially more complex than average, so you may not require quite as many documents
Telephone interview: yes, 30 minutes to verify personal details and a few whys and hows
Other phone calls: A few, yes, made by me to make life a little easier at times just to find out exactly what the bank wanted from me
Verification process: A secure, online document verification process where a third party professional reviews your passport(s) via online video
Digital signatures required: several livesign documents
Number of people dealt with: one primary (who will be the Relationship Manager moving forward) and a couple of others in RM's absence
Friendliness of staff: super friendly and very professional
Worth it: absolutely
Would I recommend it: absolutely, if you are 100% legit
Ease of banking: early days yet
Surprise: provenance of every transaction required, incoming and outgoing!!
Scrutiny factor: off the scale...