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Swiss AG or GmBH what corporate tax they pay?

Sorry what benefits does Switzerland have?

In terms of alternative to Switzerland as a jurisdiction it depends on your taste. In terms of banking have a read of the following article:
Where Swiss Private Banking Lags
My point is zero tax and no bureaucracy is always better than low tax and bureaucracy...lol
Where do you get this and still with a company that isn't recognized shady like St. kitts, Belize, Seychelles etc?
If you don't trust my numbers, you can use the official tax calculators:

Canton Zug: Steuerrechner fuer Kapitalgesellschaften
Canton Schwyz: Steuerkalkulator juristische Personen
Canton Lucern: Kapitalgesellschaften - Kanton Luzern
Canton Ticino: Calcolatori - Cantone Ticino

Federation tax: Kanton Zug · Steuerberechnung Juristische Personen

Most of the calculators show tax % after tax, so be carefully when you compare.

My previous numbers are what you for instant pay. There are many legal possibilities to lower this, but this depends on the business.

Means you can have instant a little lower then in Cyprus in most of the municpalities of Canton Lucern and some of Canton Schwyz. If your yearly profit is below 100K then in Zug too.
great information.. now I just need to find some reliable provider of Swiss corps.
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