just a quick math...
say you start with 1 000 000€ capital and you make 25% a year. you withdraw 60 000€ a year for personal expenses and day to day life via dividend.
say you start with 1 000 000€ capital and you make 25% a year. you withdraw 60 000€ a year for personal expenses and day to day life via dividend.
year capital eoy eoy net dividend dividend net
1 1000000 1250000 1250000 60000 51000
2 1190000 1487500 1487500 60000 51000
3 1427500 1784375 1784375 60000 51000
4 1724375 2155469 2155469 60000 51000
5 2095469 2619336 2619336 60000 51000
6 2559336 3199170 3199170 60000 51000
7 3139170 3923962 3923962 60000 51000
8 3863962 4829953 4829953 60000 51000
9 4769953 5962441 5962441 60000 51000
10 5902441 7378052 7378052 60000 51000
net: 5854441
net dividend: 4976275
year capital eoy eoy net dividend dividend net
1 1000000 1250000 1218750 60000 60000
2 1158750 1448438 1412227 60000 60000
3 1352227 1690283 1648026 60000 60000
4 1588026 1985033 1935407 60000 60000
5 1875407 2344259 2285652 60000 60000
6 2225652 2782065 2712513 60000 60000
7 2652513 3315642 3232751 60000 60000
8 3172751 3965938 3866790 60000 60000
9 3806790 4758488 4639525 60000 60000
10 4579525 5724407 5581297 60000 60000
year capital eoy eoy net dividend dividend net
1 1000000 1250000 1225000 60000 54000
2 1165000 1456250 1427125 60000 54000
3 1367125 1708906 1674728 60000 54000
4 1614728 2018410 1978042 60000 54000
5 1918042 2397552 2349601 60000 54000
6 2289601 2862002 2804762 60000 54000
7 2744762 3430952 3362333 60000 54000
8 3302333 4127916 4045358 60000 54000
9 3985358 4981698 4882064 60000 54000
10 4822064 6027579 5907028 60000 54000
year capital eoy eoy net dividend dividend net
1 1000000 1250000 1225000 60000 57000
2 1165000 1456250 1427125 60000 57000
3 1367125 1708906 1674728 60000 57000
4 1614728 2018410 1978042 60000 57000
5 1918042 2397552 2349601 60000 57000
6 2289601 2862002 2804762 60000 57000
7 2744762 3430952 3362333 60000 57000
8 3302333 4127916 4045358 60000 57000
9 3985358 4981698 4882064 60000 57000
10 4822064 6027579 5907028 60000 57000