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Stealth Wealth (Explained)

What’s interesting (Tate case etc) is that there is an ever increasing amount of cases that list items from fashion brands when their homes are hit, this is in the West just as much as the East.

What surprises me is, if you buy an ounce of gold they want to know the ins and outs of a donkeys a*****e

Yet walk into Loui Vuitton and drop 10gs on the table and not an eye is batted - I’ve seen this in Europe, and more so in Asia

There needs to be SoW and card only transactions at these brands so it flags up

Because evidently the avg new criminal sees media and thinks this shows his wealth or her wealth, so they buy that s**t

It would immediately tag and flag numerous people for investigations.

Don’t get me wrong I have a loui wallet, gucci trainers and a gucci belt - these are normal things a career hard working person buys over the years - but these chaps running around dropping 1k on a man bag, 500 bucks on flops etc, 2kg up on a suitcase are obviously new wealth and that wealth generally comes from fraud

Especially with the Asians

Black American culture is ghetto so very unlikely to find one AA that absolutely doesn’t buy designer monograms and logos and thinks it’s meaningless and a waste of money.

Middle Eastern Arabs are born extremely materialistic. It’s in their blood to flex as much as possible.

Idk about Latinos (in USA) but I think it’s because they’re influenced by Black American culture or simply because they came from poor families (from an economically poor country) so they buy to feel what’s like to be rich. The same applies to North Africans and Black Africans and even East Europeans

And like @FiscalFanatic said Asians love European brands cuz it’s exotic and considered luxury if it’s from Europe so you can imagine what European luxury designer are to them.
Asian countries have atrocious car taxes when you import one into the country since the government knows that cars from Europe are a luxury in Asia. They know most Asians are ready to pay this crazy tax

On the car front in China you can buy a BYd for about 10k I think it’s about 20-30k in Thailand and slightly higher as in euros in Europe

In Thailand my car (1) is considered a import (Ger) so it came with a 200% import tax I believe yet it’s made in a factory from parts transferred into Thailand

The other one is a British brand and I think there’s only three factories - one in the UK, One in Slovenia and one in China - I had to replace the gear transmission for it during Covid after f*****g it - cost nearly 15k in parts imports and taxes plus the outrageous increase in aluminum costs

BUT the second one I’d never replace for any other brand, the first one I rarely if ever drive (done 40,000klm)

I’ve tried non European brands in Asia - but found - not safe - but cheap to repair and replace parts - I’d rather have something that is built for crashing at high speed and walking away from - I s**t you not a ford ranger raptor (still have) the axel snapped off going round a bend - made in Thailand, ford ST I was crushed in a decade ago, Honda jazz gearbox flew down the road in a crash, and the sheer amount of Toyota crashes I’ve seen - f**k that.

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There needs to be SoW and card only transactions at these brands so it flags up
Bernard Arnault would like to have a SERIOUS (last) talk with you! smi(&% rof/%
Stealth wealth is usually the way to go, I think, but I've always had conflicting thoughts about it.

I believe that it has been detrimental, in my case, to building proper social circles. The concept doesn't apply to famous people who wear simple sweaters because everyone knows who they are.

But, for example, let's say that the homeless guy down the street is secretly a millionaire. How is acting like a bum helping him build proper social circles?

By acting like a homeless person, he'll only make friends with other homeless people, drunkards and maybe street prostitutes, when he could actually relate to more educated people and have better dating prospects.

So, how low do you go on your stealth? Full homeless? Low middle class? Upper middle class?

It's not that simple I think. I do like to live a simple lifestyle, as I'm more focused on freedom and time than material possessions. But I have very few friends with similar mindsets, and they all do stealth wealth too.
Thats how i look most of the time, i won't give my net-worth but will give an indication of my failures, which includes the collapse of a 60m$-100m$ valued company - which i came back from and surpassed.

My friends are all 'well' financially, and none dress to impress, one of my closest friends walks around with tears in his shirts, whilst living in a 5m$ beach front home and thats just the minor amount of value to him, i walk around with holes in my shirts, in crocs.

When you have enough and have relationships built through earned respect, you don't need to impress anyone, and usually when i see someone like that i think to myself, he's making this all about him and likely one of the least wealthiest in the room.

Each to their own, wifes/GFs are for dressing up, yourself just go with comfortable.

Thats how i look most of the time, i won't give my net-worth but will give an indication of my failures, which includes the collapse of a 60m$-100m$ valued company - which i came back from and surpassed.

My friends are all 'well' financially, and none dress to impress, one of my closest friends walks around with tears in his shirts, whilst living in a 5m$ beach front home and thats just the minor amount of value to him, i walk around with holes in my shirts, in crocs.

When you have enough and have relationships built through earned respect, you don't need to impress anyone, and usually when i see someone like that i think to myself, he's making this all about him and likely one of the least wealthiest in the room.

Each to their own, wifes/GFs are for dressing up, yourself just go with comfortable.

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Tbh if you tell someone that your 100m$ company failed and you came back from it, really sounds like you're trying to impress them.

Would be easier to just wear a proper t-shirt, I think. But I guess it depends on who you are talking to, and what you're trying to achieve.
Will add, what i found more rewarding and removed boredom.

Was Art (i have a A* in but never followed) with the free-time conjured up by exponentially increasing productivity by automating everything, i was able to become a sponsor of the arts in a form, in addition charity, helping people in distress or wronged (such as political or violence) and ofcourse people/children in generic hardships, lastly nature, oh and farming (new hobby).

Can assure you its more rewarding

Would be easier to just wear a proper t-shirt, I think. But I guess it depends on who you are talking to, and what you're trying to achieve.

Would be easier to just wear a proper t-shirt, I think. But I guess it depends on who you are talking to, and what you're trying to achieve.
See thats the difference in mindset from someone who has a few bob and someone who no longer counts wealth.

When you get to a certain bracket, you don't give a f**k, and you don't need to impress anyone because you can salary the right people for any objective, and you'd have enough connections to just put a word in your 'unusual' but 'serious'.

Tbh if you tell someone that your 100m$ company failed and you came back from it, really sounds like you're trying to impress them.
That was more about failures.

It was the idea of dressing like this, interacting like that, that in part led to that.

The coming from it was a different mindset and not trying to impress/dress/etc to peoples expectations, just getting things done and ignoring society at large.
Stealth wealth is usually the way to go, I think, but I've always had conflicting thoughts about it.
I literally have thousands of hours in audio & video on this. Most were done by me to keep my mind fresh! You have NO conflict! You are juxtaposing what the majority (of losers) think is correct vs. what the winners (<1%) do. Always bet on winners!

I believe that it has been detrimental, in my case, to building proper social circles.
Question: Have any friends or relatives who knew you had money or were doing well tried to scam you or defraud you?

My personal answer = "Yes!"
Unfortunately, due to my transparency and magnanimity, they all ended up ruining their lives and going to prison! I lost the possessions due to my unwillingness to help the State prosecute them. Other innocent people lost their "investment," etc., etc.
This is one of the many scams they pulled while I traveled overseas on business: House Stealing. The Latest Scam on the Block

What is your answer?

You may have dodged a bullet!
By acting like a homeless person, he'll only make friends with other homeless people, drunkards and maybe street prostitutes, when he could actually relate to more educated people and have better dating prospects.
Well, homeless is a bit too much. We only claim this to people we want NOTHING to do with. smi(&%

So, how low do you go on your stealth? Full homeless? Low middle class? Upper middle class?

How I fixed this -> I attend events, e.g.
  1. Symposiums
  2. Conventions
  3. Trade conferences
  4. Trade shows
  5. Fairs
  6. Expos
  7. Industry Seminars
  8. Workshops
  9. Business Meetups
  10. Business Roundtables
  11. Trade Missions
  12. Chamber of Commerce Meetings
  13. Corporate Networking Events - Like the annual Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting I attend in Omaha. This will BLOW your mind!
  14. Investor Forums
  15. Pitch Competitions
  16. Webinars and Online Conferences
  17. Summits
  18. Colloquiums
  19. Panels
  20. Exhibitions
  21. Seminars
  22. Bootcamps (e.g., coding ones - due diligence is a MUST - too many scams now)
  23. Roadshows
  24. Incubators/Accelerators
  25. Networking Mixers (for example, organized by JP Morgan Palladium Visa, Seven Royal, Coutss World, Centurion card, Merrill Lynch Octave Black Card, Stratus Reward, etc.)
  26. Product Launches
  27. Hackathons (if you are into these sorts of things. It isn't limiting to coding.)
  28. Investor Pitches
  29. Ad infinitum...

You'll find primarily good & successful people here. If one is "rotten," in +99% of the cases, it is due to his personal/home life being a wreck and him/her being surrounded by "financial & energy vampires." They are, therefore, "contained." Don't go feel sorry for the "infected." Let them DETOX on their own! ;)

I'm more focused on freedom and time than material possessions. But I have very few friends with similar mindsets, and they all do stealth wealth too.
rof/% smi(&% Goddamnit! You are TOTALLY winning! Made me go dig up from my diary only to realize you are already winning smi(&% rof/%

Alright...it was a good exercise I needed to remind myself to attend an upcoming expo! ;)
Brand t-shirts are like putting stickers on a macbook, it looks weird and unserious. Just my opinion. If you feel like splurging money on clothing: In my experience a nice tailored suit still goes a long way. You get treated better as well, in most places
Don't get me started about stickers on a macbook lol... and yes, +1 on nice tailored suits.

This guy figured out the Matrix! rof/% smi(&%
Pretty much how I roll most of the time now too haha.
There are many more than 4-5, there are 4-5 in Naples alone, 3-4 in Florence, 4-5 in Milan, and if you're into British tailoring the same amount. Bespoke is great for casual clothing Loro Piana is a go-to, most specifically for knitwear and outerwear.
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There are many more than 4-5, there are 4-5 in Naples alone, 3-4 in Florence, 4-5 in Milan, and if you're into British tailoring the same amount. Bespoke is great for casual clothing Loro Piana is a go-to, most specifically for knitwear and outerwear.
There are some good tailors in those cities, and I personally know some, but the maestri are on another level. Check out Gaetano Aloisio in Rome, close to Piazza di Spagna, and Pino Peluso in Napoli, seafront in via Posillipo.
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There are some good tailors in those cities, and I personally know some, but the maestri are on another level. Check out Gaetano Aloisio in Rome, close to Piazza di Spagna, and Pino Peluso in Napoli, seafront in via Posillipo.
You have good taste sir, props. I am familiar with all the aforementioned tailors. Pino, while good, is not considered part of the Napoli elite such as Panico, Ciardi, Solito, Dalucore (unfortunately he died recently). There are also various outliers such as Paone which was the head cutter for Rubinacci for a number of years before going solo. Almost all the aforementioned names will cut a quintessential Neapolitan jacket with some small nuances in house style like length, gorge height, etc. In Florence, Liverano and a Japanese tailor I won't name are some of the most elite. More structured Milanese tailoring is not so much my style, so I don't as closely follow the tailors in Milan, but they're of course excellent. A Caraceni in Milan is also excellent.
I am wondering when you start to consider yourself "wealth".
Someone could consider himself "wealth" after 1m and someone other after 100m. It depends about prospective and context.

So how do you define a person as "wealth"?
I am wondering when you start to consider yourself "wealth".
Someone could consider himself "wealth" after 1m and someone other after 100m. It depends about prospective and context.

So how do you define a person as "wealth"?
theres many aspects to it, comparing numbers is just trying to keeping it up with the joneses.
For some its not having a boss, which makes them feel wealthy. Or being able to travel freely or sleep until late and work during the night.

a good starting point is being in the 1% or even 0.1% where you physically are to be less subjective and if you want to put it in that way (mainly used in the to-be-obsolete banking realm).
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