Some Europeans are barely surviving?

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Man every time I read you you are rather fudding crypto or on turbo conspiracy mode.

Can you probe any of this?

Nope. It brings Europe back under full US-control. An economically strong EU was about to emerge with its own (ill-fated) ideology. That has stopped and Europe will become again a total vasall of Washington.

And for this you need them to not be broke.
You need your allies to survive, or else you will have no allies to use.
Nope. It brings Europe back under full US-control. An economically strong EU was about to emerge with its own (ill-fated) ideology. That has stopped and Europe will become again a total vasall of Washington.
Europe is under full control of US.Germany is still occupied and has no rights and poland is run by US educated agents who will be leading the 3 sea initiative.
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Rich a*s people with stupid comments take it very lightly, but this lady as well as million others are having hard times for real. She should have shown the bills for utilities! A desaster. I personally left the f*cking EU long time ago. Can´t stand the liberalism and antirussian hysteria. One thing is for sure. Russia is here to stay and can not be ignored. For USA its different, but for EU Russia is a neighbour. You want to be a friend to your big neighbour and not enemy. The fashist EU leaders chose to be a pupet of the US so they will learn a lesson and regret their stupidity at some point. Insted of prosperity, living in a third world country will become reality soon for many europeans. Better off in a banana republic with summer all year, with more freedom, easy lifestyle than the EUSSR. Neither the EU nor the USA understand Russia, russian mentality and the way our slavic nations have survived for centuries. If there is no place for Russia in this world, there will be no world without Russia. Simple as that and everybody should remember that. The plan is to destroy the EU and make Germany obsolete. The USA does not need any more competition and other prospering countries or continents. China is more than enough. Saudis also made their decission lately and we will see who will laugh more at the end.
I just received an email from my German electricity provider (Electricity from hydropower):

=> Annual electricity price increases from 805 € to 1580 € in 2023

Ihr Preis ab 01.01.2023 Ihr Preis bis 31.12.2022
Grundpreis 13,23 €/Monat 11,75 €/Monat
Arbeitspreis 56,82 ct/kWh 26,57 ct/kWh
Preisgarantie* bis 31.12.202331.12.2022
Kündigungsfrist nach Ablauf
der Mindestvertragslaufzeit
14 Tage 14 Tage
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Reactions: TheCryptoAnt
Yes exactly, but some and actually quite a few here say its only BS from preppers who want to make panic. It is as real as it can get!
Yes exactly, but some and actually quite a few here say its only BS from preppers who want to make panic. It is as real as it can get!
.... And it's getting worse, much worse. This is just the beginning.
It remains to be seen if this suffering will finally open the eyes to Europeans. There is at least a glimpse of hope that EU-citizens will understand that they are ruled by a bunch of incompetent bureaucrats and political daydreamers. Even though these citizens are still too fat to take to the streets and start a revolution.

Conclusion for all others: Sell the Euro and stay away from the EU.
Yes exactly, but some and actually quite a few here say its only BS from preppers who want to make panic. It is as real as it can get!
a 100% increase is nothing......
blackouts 3days+ are already confirmed from german energy companies.
Next comes the increasing immigrants from the second wave of ukraine when the war gets heavier.
Communes already said they are bankrupt.
Healthcare is officaly breaking in germany based on governments reports
From 1st december no more oil from russia and us needs to fill their reserves back since they are selling oil now to lower prices
food shops already preparing for plundering etc

military ready to join
As I said in my post, suddenly people will find themself in a third world country with all what it takes to be described as third world country. In other eastern EU countries the rise is not just 100% but 500%! If Germany will have such problems then what can other weaker Eu countries expect from all this? Anybody from Europe here who could write about their current situation?
That's only a few EURO - what's the problem ?
Okay, so I need you to explain me what this means:

That is not the price per KWH because I pay 0,33€ for each KWH what is that figure?

Arbeitspreis56,82 ct/kWh26,57 ct/kWh

Nothing is happening in Europe, and in Germany specifically.

Here are the CURRENT prices for BRAND NEW electricity contracts in Frankfurt:
Prices rose 25-50% but nobody is freezing in Europe, nobody is dying or having blackouts. This is 100% lies and scaremongering.

Some of the people here are complete maniacs spewing insanity in every post (369 for example that imho should've been banned long ago for spreading complete falsehoods in every post he makes)
Reactions: boomy
you are extremly naive.
Germany has gas reserves for 2 1/2 months.
From december 1st germany stops taking oil from russia compleltly.
US oil reserves are getting empty to reduce currently the oil price and need to be refilled
Saudi Arabia switched to BRICS and reducing oil production
Qatar denied gas to germany as they only accept longterm contracts
And best of all to produce enough energy in germany over the winter gas which is already in short supply is planned to be burned to produce it.
What do you think putin will do this winter for delivering weapons and supporting their enemies?Just watching and giving europeans everything like nothing happened ?
Only a stupid european could think so as they think they are the center of the world

Also comparing energy prices for private households which are subsidized instead the commercial one which is needed to uphold an industrial nation is a bit manipulative and stupid don't you think ?

blackouts of 3day+ are already planned in energy companies.
3days+ means chaos on the street

Lets see your big mouth in feb next year
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Reactions: polonieth
I used 2.500 kWh as base. Frankfurt is now almost like the new price my supplierer offert me => doubled in 2023 compared to 2022
blackouts of 3day+ are already planned in energy companies.
3days+ means chaos on the street
Waow you are on track again... exactly as with COVID need back when it started, you said DOOM Day was coming, s**t was coming everything went out fine.

But hey, some people have to spend time to be dark seers, and we are here on a forum to discuss so let's discuss crap.
lol doomday
you should read offical reports which are coming out now.
people took poison and its from offical sources
how long do you think these people will live with their immune system destroyed?
oh western countries have already a death rate like being in a war.......
hmmmm must be just a stupid coincidence

Anything on covid which was not true ?
covid killed millions of people like they claimed ?
Did vaccine companies admit it was about the covid pass ?
Did vaccine companies admit NOW that the vaccines are not 100% secure ?
Did new laws pass that peoples wealth will be used to cover vaccines damages ?
Did it slow down econemy and centralized it more ?
Anything false with these claims ?
Ohhh i forgat since october its allowed to use military inland.Something what was never even thinkable of.
And the current work on laws about food crisis which basicly will remove human rights......all myth ?
Or are you somebody so stupid who never checked laws and processing propolsals yourself

I know your knowledge won't accept facts from offical sources since you are clearly a "BILD" reader from where you got your knowledge
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Reactions: polonieth
Anything on covid which was not true ?
everything was not true.. I'm still here, still standing stronger than ever before, no issues, had COVID 19 - TOP CONDITIONS and I do what I always do.

But stay in your fairytale and maybe you should take the next chapter of The Walking Dead.
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