US vpn + US credit cardThey refund a payment if transacrion is considered as high risk. If you used a credit card from a different country that was your IP from, or if you used a credit card from a high risk country, that could happen.
US vpn + US credit cardThey refund a payment if transacrion is considered as high risk. If you used a credit card from a different country that was your IP from, or if you used a credit card from a high risk country, that could happen.
The most US credit card processors detect VPN. If VPN si detected, transacrion is declined if card is not from a first world country.US vpn + US credit card
Eh, why bother trying with no VPN if even with US VPN it has not worked out?Update:
- Tried with no vpn + us credit card (order accepted and refunded after 10 minutes)
- Tried with no vpn + own personal paypal (order accepted, never refunded and account closed with no email or explanation).
What was your IP during ordering process?What is your billing address / delivery address?Update:
- Tried with no vpn + us credit card (order accepted and refunded after 10 minutes)
- Tried with no vpn + own personal paypal (order accepted, never refunded and account closed with no email or explanation).
But they cost quite a lot. Is there a cheaper one?check out Ting
Toll-free normally does not work with toll free US number can divert to your cell. Not sure on text for 2fa, bind to authenticator?
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