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Seychelles Company or BVI Company what do you guys think is best?

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According to our records and how people report back then the Seychelles fits most business owners in regards to the company incorporation and offshore jurisdiction.
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I would rather say it depends on what your business activity is like. For instant if you are looking to safe tax but as well want to protect your business from any legal claims but don't want to give up the possibilities of professional and cheap online payment processing a Cyprus company may be better than a Seychelles company. If the only purpose of the company is to act Holding shares or other properties then the Seychelles or a other offshore jurisdiction (that don't has any TIEA's or DTA's in place) may be good as well.

What I mean is, you will need to look at your situation and goals and then decide where to incorporate and how to structure your company and business.
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Thanks to all engaging the threa, it has all been very helpful during the last 2 years ;)
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Good to hear that you had some benefit from your stay at the forum and that you were able to achieve your goals in regards to the offshore company and offshore bank account setup:thumbsUp:
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