Just found a good article to this topic.
Establishment of foreign funds, also known as trusts, are becoming increasingly popular as the people realize that it is perfectly legal. We can in good conscience tell the local tax authorities that it has formed a foreign fund / trust, without it necessarily leads to unpleasant reprisals.
That, of course, requires the formation and operation of the Fund are made correctly (see below), and tax advice in connection with the formation, etc.. is therefore highly advisable.
What can I use a foreign trust and what are the benefits?
A foreign trust is typically used to either eliminate the tax,
creditor protection or
anonymity. It can also be a combination of all three things.
Tax Avoidance
Would you use foreign funds / trusts for tax elimination, there are four case groups, it is extremely important to be aware of:
• Capital Fund shall be irrevocably separated from its founder
• Fund capital may not be a form of capital transfer via a mediator (trustee)
• Tax at 20% in deposits
• Management seat
Concerning capital must be irrevocably separated from its founder
When you inject capital into a foreign fund, the capital must be irrevocably separated from the founder's fortune.
That means three things. First, it must fund the capital, according to the statutes could not be returned to the founders. For another, it means that the founder and his wife should not be added as a beneficiary under the statutes. The third founder may not even be introduced as manager of the fund.
Pins must contrast well determine who will manage the trust, in contrast to a local fund, where the majority of directors must be persons who are not elected by the pins.
Pins can also be employed by the trust and get the availability of trust funds is only just happening in the trust interest, and kept records of the use of funds in the trust.
As a beneficiary can be added all except the founder and founder's wife and dependent children under 18 years.
Concerning capital may not be a form of capital transfer via intermediary
When you deposit money in the fund must not be a disguised direct money transfer to the beneficiaries under the Statute.
This means that at the time of creating the trust, there must be uncertainty about how much each beneficiary receives the fund capital.
For example. write the statutes to fund capital shall be bound in 20 years. whereby fund capital shall be paid to children of founders who are alive at this point, then we met the above requirements. You know not which of the children who are alive in 20 years.
The current yield on the fund capital, by contrast, is easily distributed to the beneficiaries according to a fixed key.
Possibly, the Fund may pay out money to companies owned by the beneficiaries.
Ad Tax of 20% in deposits
When native Local people and companies transfer assets to foreign trusts / funds located in various low-taxing, and the Fund are not public charities must pay a fee of 20%.
To avoid the charge is forced to incorporate a foreign person or company to make payment.
Ad Management seat
If fund managers are based in a high tax country in Europe, the foreign fund will be considered as a Local fund and the fund must be taxed as ordinary Local funds.
It is therefore important that the foreign trust is a foreign manager who can handle the daily operations.
Foreign funds for creditor protection
If the founder of a foreign trust and inserts itself as a beneficiary, the tax authorities in a high tax country in Europe, refuse to acknowledge the fund.
This means that the pins will still include the return within the Fund for its
taxable income. The fund is still an effective defense against possible future creditors.
Should the fund be used for creditor protection, it is nevertheless important to emphasize that it must be dynamic as well as static solvent at the time of creating the fund - even after the asset transfer to the fund.
However, this rule will only be able to provide the administrator of the fund money to that beneficiary under the statutes of the fund.
If you are so wealthy and do not want to see a possible future
bankruptcy or damages shall deprive an all values, it is a foreign trust a good agent.
A wealthy person who is considering divorce, and only joint, can also with great advantage to create a foreign trust. The upcoming ex wife can, regardless of the number of lawyers do not get the values contained in the trust.
When the tax does not recognize the foreign fund, it has the advantage that if you transfer assets to the fund, which is a latent taxable profit, for example. shares, so it does not trigger taxation.
One can thus put its shares in the safety of a new legal entity - without triggering tax.
Who keeps control of the foreign fund / trust?
When you set up funds in a high tax country in Europe, Local Commerce and Companies Agency, Civil Directorate tax and keep control of the fund managers available funds in a manner that is consistent with the fund statutes and Local law.
With foreign funds / trusts, there is no public oversight, but the pins, however, have the opportunity to choose a protector that can perform this control function, if desired.