Second passport

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I read that a few terror suspects got ahold of the Comoros passport and that some shady characters in the gov were selling the passports under the table, not going through official channels.
And Bill Clinton pardoned a known tax evader who was his friend. Shows what it's all about.
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This was a nice Post. I like
Paraguay papers may be working depends how good talker you are. So Paraguay cheapest method if people enjoy a hassle.

Dominica I think is of the best as passports can’t be rewoken and you get free Schengen (Chinese , Russians welcome to EU)
Paraguay will work just in case if you are willing to live there at least 183 days per year. Years when you do not live there set amount of days, does not count towards naturalization time limit.

Dominica passport can be revoked. There are many criminals who had they citizenships revoked.
Living in paraguay for 183 days a year is already quite a challenge. Unless you really really do like it.
Reactions: Davis123
Yes he is living in Paraguay for past 9 years but no Py passport as of yet. No taxes on his offshore income as Py does not tax offshore income.
Paraguay naturalization takes 18 months in average if you have fulfilled all the conditions. Just living in Paraguay does not mean, you have fulfilled all conditions. One of cinditions is to study, work, or make business within Paraguay for at least 3 years. Working or doing a business in Paraguay means, there is a taxable activity. Judge will ask to see a tax reports for at least 3 years.. If your friend just lives there and having a foreign source income and pays no tax in Paraguay, he will never become paraguayan. If someone want to be naturalized, it is necessary to fulfill everyone condition. And this condition are stated in a law exactly. Naturalization decision is issued by the judge. And judge will exemine fulfilling of each condition. I know many people who believed, that just living in Paraguay will be enough to be naturalized. And they were false. If someone want to become paraguayan, you have to at least register as a sole proprietor, have accounts showwing having some customers in Paraguay and pay at least some small tax each year. If you do not pay any taxes in Paraguay, you are considered not to be contributing to the community.

Problem is with all those offshore resellers, who just declares, you can come to Paraguay, deposit few thousand dollars in a bank account, obtain a permanent residence permit, leave and come after 3 years and apply for naturalization. They are just selling you a non existing dream.

So, to be able to be naturalized in Paraguay, you have to:

1. Spend in Paraguay 183 days per year for at least 3 years.

2. Beeing a student of university or sole proprietor or worker ro business man having a legal activities within Paraguay for at least 3 years. If you are not a student, you will have to be employed or be doing a business in Paraguay and pay at least some taxes.

3. Have a clean criminal record in Paraguay, in country of citizenship, and in all countries where you spent at least 90 days in last 10 years.

4. Be fluent in spanish. You have to pass a test in spanish language about country geography, history, culture..

5. Be fully integrated into society - you have to have a doctor within a country and you have to have a slips for at least 1 preventive visit of your medicine doctor every year. You have to be a member of business clubs - you will be not accepted by any if you do not live there..

6. Have enought wealth to support you and your family

And some other conditions..

As you can see, just living in a country for a 3 years is not enough. You have to have a legal taxable activity within Paraguay, liver there, be member of business clubs, country clubs etc.. Have a medicine doctor there visitin him oce a year etc..

Judge will ask you for as many papers to examine your ties to the country, you can forget to be naturalized if Paraguay is not a place which you can call to be yout ONLY HOME IN A WORLD.
Reactions: Davis123
Dude he has been living there for 9 years and has a small Py business on the side that his Paraguayan wife runs mostly in Asuncion to justify his presence there and pay local taxes . Still no Paraguayan citizenship as of yet.
Dude he has been living there for 9 years and has a small Py business on the side that his Paraguayan wife runs mostly in Asuncion to justify his presence there and pay local taxes . Still no Paraguayan citizenship as of yet.
Does he has a clean criminal record in country of his citizenship and previous residence? Based on my experience, it it takes so long, there has to be some problem. The usual naturalization time is 18 months after application is filled.
Does he has a clean criminal record in country of his citizenship and previous residence? Based on my experience, it it takes so long, there has to be some problem. The usual naturalization time is 18 months after application is filled.
Yes he has a clean record. No problems whatsoever. He has no problems with his Paraguayan wife either. They are happy together but he wants to move out of Paraguay to Dubai or KL.
Yes he has a clean record. No problems whatsoever. He has no problems with his Paraguayan wife either. They are happy together but he wants to move out of Paraguay to Dubai or KL.
He shall hire some good lawyer. No case takes so long time in Paraguay. I am not sure, if your friend told you the exact truth about his situation..
He shall hire some good lawyer. No case takes so long time in Paraguay. I am not sure, if your friend told you the exact truth about his situation..
He knows other cases like him in the pipeline too as per his lawyer. We had both gone to Py years ago together but I left as I didn't find Py attractive enough to move there. Later Bettina Mueller got arrested and all the bad press about Py suddenly hit the news. .
So the answer is exact: Clients of the same lawyer are waiting years and years and years. In situation when others do not. He shall change a lawyer.
So the answer is exact: Clients of the same lawyer are waiting years and years and years. In situation when others do not. He shall change a lawyer.
Well Py has slowed down the citizenship process due to such cases like Bettina abusing their laws. It's not simply just one lawyer but several lawyers who are having issues with the process. That is why I was advising earlier people to only use Py as a quick residency if they wish to acquire but forget about its citizenship as it's not an easy process anymore.
I agree. Py is much slowlier that it was. But it does not take as long time as your friend experiences. The fastest in latin america are Peru and Ecuador, now. (In case if you have fulfilled all set conditions)
I agree. Py is much slowlier that it was. But it does not take as long time as your friend experiences. The fastest in latin america are Peru and Ecuador, now. (In case if you have fulfilled all set conditions)
Paraguay is something that Andrew Henderson specifically talked about a day ago too. . Too much of a good thing was ruined by everyone interested in getting its citizenship from Boston to Bangalore. I remembered a lot of inquires on qwealth page too years ago about Py as the best cheap and quickest citizenship programs and there were literally thousands of messages per day from folks from all over the world from people wanting to get its citizenship. . Most of them were interested in getting it to travel to western countries visa free and simply live there.
I spoke with a couple of lawyers in Paraguay last year and they need some serious cash to "incentivize" the judges who need to sign off to get your citizenship. I did meet one guy who got it a few years back and he was telling me the whole thing is a scam, nobody gets it anymore. From his story, he had some important people help get the signature he needed. Just what I was told, I can't verify the details.
That is exactly right. The one person I know who received a Paraguayan citizenship (about five years ago) hired a lawyer with political connections to the judiciary, and a significant portion of the money paid to the attorney was doled out to the judges who approve the citizenship application. The process still took several years (after the obligatory three-year residency period). It is not easy, but it is possible with the right connections.

A little known fact is that U.S., Canadian, and European citizenship applicants are preferred -- and almost no citizenship applications are approved for people from the Middle East, Africa, and Asia.
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