He has his exact market. 7 digits earning enterpreneurs. Their time has too high value to spend it by searching for solutions and contacting a local lawyers, agents, service providers and handling all the details with them. But their income is still not enough to use services of big international law firms.
The most of his videos are bla bla bla only. He never reveals any concret or detailed information nor exact solution of a situation. The only what he ius doing bythat videos is creating a content hidding a contenf of others. Just try to search any kind of phrase like
second passport,
offshore company or anything like that on Youtube. 7 of first 10 videos are his.. This is just how he catches a potential clients attention.
He is offshore reseller with exact market. His time is cheaper as time of succesful 7 figure enterpreneurs. So they are using him to save their time for their business. This is acceptable business model.
If you are a poor enterpreneur earning a 5 digits, you will feel his business model to be overpriced. It is overpriced for you. Because your time is worth 2 digit amount per hour. If your time would be worth 5 digits per hour, his prices will be acceptable for you in comparison of how much time you spend just by using his service.