Second passport

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No one can obtain citizenship in Paraguay without living there. Paraguay has exact conditions. and paper residency just does not work.

To be able to be naturalized in Paraguay, you havr to live there at least 183 days per year for at least 3 years. You have to study or have any other legal activity in Paraguay from which taxes are paid. So you have to have job ther,e or have a company there which pays at least some taxes, or make some research as mamber of any scientific organization and pay some taxes from your wage, etc..

You have to be fully integrated. Judgw who will consider your case will ask you to show reservation tickets from local doctor from your visits, will ask you to show parking bills, water bills, electricity bills, gas bills, bills for memberships in a business clubs etc..

Andrew Henderson never lived there in real. This is a reason why he was unable to provide avidence about living there. You can not fool the judge. Judges are not stupid. You can try to lie, but they will catch you.

and if you will find a way around, you have to live in Paraguay at least 90 days per year for next 10 years. And if you do not, your citizenship will be cancelled.

TDV Passports are scam from beginning. As I know, they scammed people from the first day of their existence...
Reactions: Davis123
I knew that too dear when they were first advertising their stuff in 2012. Paraguay had issued illegal passports but it caught up to it too due to US and international pressure. There was also Venezuelan passport which was a hot commodity at the time with full official support. TDV was offering that too but required a visit to Venezuela and no one wanted to go to Venezuela seriously. I know people in Py who have lived continuously over there for 9 years and still no passport as it's not easy to get the citizenship.
Venezuelan citizenship was sold over so called "Bolivarian Mission". The biggest reseller of that program was PTShamrock. It was just about creating a fake evidence of living in a country for 5 years. Paople who are standing behind TDV passports are selling fake guatemalan and mexican passports, now.
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Just a quick correction so everybody has the correct data:
First, you won't pay taxes from the first day of residence, that's not accurate. I went there and stayed less than 3 years to cash out international money TAX FREE because the Chilean tax law allows foreigners that haven't been there for more than a year to be tax exempt from foreign income until you have lived there for more than 3 years.

About the years to get the passport, 5 years isn't accurate either because that's on paper. A more accurate period will be 7 to 9 years since they are taking more than a year to just give you the first residence permit and they take another year to just give the the permanent resident plus the time of naturalization so we can say: 3 months with tourist visa + 1 year waiting for temporal residence + 1 year with temporal residence + 1 year waiting for permanent residence + 5 years with permanent residence + another year to get the passport

Not saying you are wrong, I'm just giving more details about it for others
All Latin American countries have these types of issues as I stated earlier.
Thanks for the accurate updated info eadeveloper!
From your username I think you are an expert advisor developer for forex, commodities ? Am I incorrect ? Do these algorithms work as I have blown up several demo accounts using these expert advisors. Never had one that worked well although I have a lot of friends that develop these advisors and sell them on but don't use it on their own accounts.
I don't do trading and of course I don't trust a machine to place my investments since the markets aren't racional an so far we haven't been able to teach a machine to do so like humans... I prefer to go long on index funds (and a couple of personal picks) because it's what have worked for me and for other for decades.

Now, about if they really work: well, I guess there should be at least one that works but just like with those courses to get rich... if you have an algorithm that makes you money why would you need to sell it to earn money?

I'm a expert advisor in software development projects who also likes to spend money in offshore structures and invest... I suggest you stop buying magic stuff to make money since magic is what smart people use to fool those that aren't
What would be you choice if money isn't an issue?
Who said I was buying those expert advisors ?. I have used several of them since i had inside connections over a few months testing demo accounts but none worked and I got out of them. I know no one would sell it if it was profitable for him. I have several of my friends working in software industry (Google, Microsoft ) as I was a software developer before I started investing in stocks and businesses and now Forex too.
I still wouldn't do Comoros now that it's only 50k less expensive than the carribean citizenship plus more visa free countries. Yes for 30-40k it was doable but for 80k not worth it.
Apples and oranges. Comoros passport comes with access to Comoros banking system. No matter what you think of it, I can see how that could be very advantageous under certain, if not extreme circumstances. This kind of opportunity is no longer available at the Caribbean banks.
I still wouldn't do Comoros now that it's only 50k less expensive than the carribean citizenship plus more visa free countries. Yes for 30-40k it was doable but for 80k not worth it.
I would NOT recommend Comoros. I have a client who had Comoros and I had to deal with his embassy etc. and it was just a total nightmare... also bear in mind any Comoros passport you obtain is illegal as they don't have any official program. I would opt for Vanuatu, costs more..but you have access to Schengen, UK etc. With Comoros, you can only really fly to Asian countries. Also with Vanuatu, you can open a bank account in Vanuatu or with big Hong Kong / UAE / Singapore / Switzerland banks and declare all of their personal and business earnings there and pay no tax. Opening bank accounts with Comoros....good luck
Good afternoon,

I am new to this forum so bear with me as I get into things and how they are done around here...

An easy alternative to citizenship by naturalization which can take years is Citizenship by Investment.

For example, Vanuatu passport can be done in 30-45 days for USD 139,000 for 1 applicant

You get 148 visa-free travel to 148 countries/territories and can benefit from tax-free options. And it can be obtained remotely
If you want to go to America without ESTA then Grenada otherwise, personally I would go Vanuatu and you can open bank accounts remotely once your a citizen.
yes with Vanuatu you can open bank accounts in Vanuatu or with big Hong Kong / UAE / Singapore / Switzerland banks and declare all of their personal and business earnings there and pay no tax - as Vanuatu Citizens are not subject to any income, corporate or capital gains taxes.
I still wouldn't do Comoros now that it's only 50k less expensive than the carribean citizenship plus more visa free countries. Yes for 30-40k it was doable but for 80k not worth it.
Just had the new figures in from Comoros, $50K plus $5K Interpol check.
This is from the 1st February 2021.
Just had the new figures in from Comoros, $50K plus $5K Interpol check.
This is from the 1st February 2021.
How funny.

From 80 K to 50 K.

And Interpol check which is done in the UAE and their official fee is 200 AED, what is less than 55 USD - you advertise here to be done for 5K. "Nice". We understand that 4945 USD is for "reseller"..
Who ist that reseller? We all can guess. But I think, we all know an answer.

When their program was 40K, before it was suspended, there was just a small demand. Just criminals and adventurers bought this citizenship. Very occasionaly some serious people, but usualy they did it just as a try if it is really possible.
Well, 50k is affordable for many people who have these thoughts. As do I. The less opportunity cost the better in my case.

Although still completely affordably for the average joe especially after 2020.
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