Hello Jack,
Cyprus may be very interesting to attract EU clients and minimise tax.
The setup may resemble the following:
- A Cyprus non-dom resident owns the Cyprus company on your behalf and acts as nominee director
- No need for employees or physical office, no extra expenses (you need a true Cyprus resident for it to work)
- Clients get invoiced by the Cyprus Ltd
- You invoice to the Cyprus Ltd what is STRICTLY necessary to cover your company expenses back in Russia
- The Cyprus Ltd pays you in Crypto, to circumvent banking restrictions
- The rest of the profit gets taxed 12,5%
- After tax, the profit is distributed by the Ltd to the Cyprus resident, as dividend
- Dividends are (almost) free from any other burden for the non-dom resident nominee
- The nominee sends the net dividends to you in crypto, as a lifetime donation
- There's no gift tax in Cyprus, nor in Russia
- You enjoy the money legally
12.5% may not seem low as a tax figure, but in this way you completely erase the personal
income tax (and if you wish, you still can reinvest the money in the business, but it gets in as capital and you'll be able to get it out tax free at a later point in time).
To minimise risks with the nominee, you can agree for a monthly (or even weekly payment); that depends on your business model