Russian President Putin announces military operation in Ukraine

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Making a whole attention on exclusivelly corruption rating(which is on lower half mean almost the same, and rank of 70-80 have really minimal difference with 120) in terms on overall country(and future perspectives) it's a same to thinking that russia could take Kyiv in 3 days just because it's a second army in the world.

Same with help from west world in terms of weapon, same repeats with helping cleanout from corruption worms in Ukraine. Nothing surprising it's a mutual assistance

btw, russia are even lower in this rating that don't stops russian lovers to say they will invest all their wealth in russia
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Reactions: backpacker

That's called "projection". The only way you call someone else a troll, is because you're the one. It's when a theif calls someone else a thief.

Your statements are a strawmen -- take a fact, exaggerate and reframe it, add something new to it. Mix all of them. Done.

You may come up with new rediclious ones -- Russia and the countries on its side won't care. Ashame or redicule them - they won't even know.

@Buratino by the way, a few pages long ago you said that you weren't inclided to argue. And here you are -- arguing, trolling, making bullshitty statements.
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Why are you cheerleading for WW3? You know you don't survive right...
Well, there was as time not too long ago ....
Just see this - the never learn from history ->
I'm amazed at how many scaredy cats are on the forum here.

Did you already forgot the nonsense you wrote in post #1478.
It was you claiming that corruption in UA is lower than it really is. So, no need to try winding yourself out of your false claims

Philippines 117, A country where you can stream from child P**N created live from home with chat requests from the customer what to do next with the kids / babies
Same problem as with @John Spectre : Dear @RealDude , Please educate yourself before posting -> Europe is world’s largest host of child pornography, advocacy groups say
Furthermore, stick to the thread title!
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Reactions: RealDude
It was you claiming that corruption in UA is lower than it really is. So, no need to try winding yourself out of your false claims
I have said nothing about corruption in 1478.

Nonsense its a all your comments in this thread.

Making conclusion based EXCLUSIVELY on corruption of public sector it's a quite limited view on situation. Overall decision(EU accession) made in a quite number of different factors and CPI only one of them. Far not most important.

And yes, same as UA now(as a EU member candidate), you could check CPI of above discussed Romania and Bulgaria years ago when they was candadates itself - you would easily found that starting point of that countries was the same in terms of CPI. Is only matter of time and help to fix this problem. Now UA have score 32, and in 1998 (when RO and BG was candidates), they score was lower to that number - 30 and 29 respectively.

On this note I will do a favor for you and put you to ignore list together with another russians and prorussian bots in this thread.
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Reactions: backpacker
You are defending corruption with your above post .
Quite telling.
On this note I will do a favor for you and put you to ignore list
Thank you
That means I can correct all your false claims without you desperately trying to wind yourself out of your selfcreated mess.
Interestingly enough, some australians can see through the sh!t that US and Ukraine are doing
AU SkyNews

Notice the comments too
it is very funny to watch this hole go away from the opponent's question. Putin says that the purpose of the war was not the capture of an independent state, but at the same time, in order to achieve peace, he does not want to leave the captured territory and the West is to blame for everything for this. LOL. I am amazed at the number of brainless people on this planet.
Have you forgotten that just recently, 1-2 monts ago the Germans, Americans, Ukranians and French have admitted that the Mink piece negotiation in 2015 was nothing but a sham? They - the West - themselves admitted that they intended to lie to Russia, and they did so.

What does it tell you about a possible negotiation with EU or US in the future?

Could Russia trust them again when it comes to a similar negotiation?

The territories -- Ukraine will say good bye to them. It's a price for a lesson to learn.
Lessons aren't free, are they?
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Have you forgotten that just recently, 1-2 monts ago the Germans, Americans, Ukranians and French have admitted that the Mink piece negotiation in 2015 was nothing but a sham?
Proof? Give a link to the official source of the government of the listed countries confirming your arguments.
Most likely, you are based on an interview with Mrs. Merkel, then first, check out the content of the interview itself and what exactly she said.
What does it tell you about a possible negotiation with EU or US in the future?
What does the EU and the United States have to do with it? You confuse something, Russia attacked Ukraine, and NATO countries are not participants in the war and cannot negotiate.

Interestingly enough, some australians can see through the sh!t that US and Ukraine are doing
AU SkyNews

Notice the comments too
The short essence of the video:
In the eastern part of the central square of the planet, an elderly dwarf rapes a girl for 30 years.
TV presenter: And you know, Winnie the Pooh is right if the drowsy grandfather did not interfere with the dwarf, the dwarf would have already finished and stopped the girl's suffering.
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"We US, UK, EU have been lying to you Russia for decades. We barely respected you Russia all this time.
We even have recently admitted that we lied again during the Minsk peace negotiion in 2015. We even discriminated ethnic russians in Donbass and put 47 russians on fire in Odessa in 2014"

But! But....

"If now you Russia leave YOUR new territories and withdraw your army, we - US, UK, EU (liers, that is) - promise that the war will stop and the piece will come. "

"... even though you Russia have several types of ultra-sonic missles that we don't (not even US) and the 2nd powerfull army, nuclear weapons, and a lot of weapons in stock, whereas we're running out of them... and we imposed 10000 sanctions on you which actually have hurt us more that you....

you MUST withdraw your army, for the name of the piece! And on OUR terms"

What would you choose if you were in the shoes of Russia?
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