Russian President Putin announces military operation in Ukraine

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Everyone said that Kiev would fall in three days.
everyone who has been brainwashed by pro-USA media. It took 30 days for the Americans to take Baghdad… Obviously Russia is trying to avoid collateral damages as much as possible and to make Zelensky understand that he doesn’t stand a chance. But Zelensky like Saddam doesn’t care about his people.
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The primary purpose of establishing air superiority is to ensure that your ground forces do not get slaughtered by your enemy's air force. That did not happen.

Are Russian formations being slaughtered? I have seen so many fake and deepfake videos and propaganda from both sides you got to be really careful what you read, watch and believe is happening. It is difficult to find facts in this whole conflict. Even the photo Zelensky shared on social media of him in military gear was an old picture. People are tossing around hand grenades claiming cluster bombs are being used etc.
This whole hysteria over Russia is driven by long term deep Russian hatred going back decades it is not new. Russiaphobia seems to be replacing islamaphobia btw. The collective punishment being dished out against anyone happening to be Russian and having money or any successful business that is Russian is beyond rationality. People are being driven off emotion rather than using their heads and logic. This is very dangerous when decisions are made off emotions as people end up thinking short term and not about the unintended consequences of their actions. I am not talking about brexit vote either .

Here is the problem. Ukraine is a very very corrupt country at all levels. It also has a neo-n**i problem in government and the military with the Azov brigade etc that west is ignoring at their peril. The west and certain countries are supplying them with advanced weapons. Also Ukraine is handing out guns to citizens and releasing prisoners from jail who have military training and giving them weapons to fight. This is a recipe for long term disaster. If you don't vet who you give weapons too you end up turning the place into Somalia. Sooner or later these people will run out of money and the first thing of value they have will be guns, grenades, explosives, Stinger missiles and advanced anti-tank hardware. Hence items will soon be sold on the black market or dark web. We seen it already happen in Libya where US approved arms given to Libyan rebels end up in Mali killing French soldiers. The same will happen here. These advanced weapons will end up sold to criminal gangs and terrorists to threaten European countries or even bring down passenger planes across Europe. An end to conflict is needed not weapons and short sightedness of governments.
Russia could take kiev in 3 days.However you can clearly see there is no will in taking it.Watching the units which have been sent to ukraine is clearly showing they sent their worst part of army to ukraine.Nearly all young boys with no experience.Would russia really want to take kiev quickly they would just need to hire the military companies in russia who work for everyone who pays.
I still keep claiming the target is not ukraine but european people and seeing how they are reestablishing blocks clearly shows that i'm right.
Also try investing as european citizen outside the control of the EU in russian stocks or etf's holding russian stocks.

And when they reach at Kiev Russia will suffer from all the problems the US has in Iraq.

US and RU are countries that want to brag their super power to other countries. What they have in common is that they don't know how to learn lesson from each other's mistakes.

Vietnam in the 1960s, US -> Afghanistan in the 1980s, USSR -> Afghanistan in the 2000s, US -> UA in the 2020s, RU

I doubt Putin has a long-term plan..
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P.S Got to play devils advocate here.

Because Putin's primary purpose is to maintain his power. Even at the expense of the happiness of the whole Russians.

Dictators have more to lose than politicians in democratic countries when they are overthrown. So smart dictators want the world to be as stable as possible. A typical example is the Kim family in North Korea. While developing nuclear weapons , they have surprisingly avoided military friction for the past half century.

Clearly, war is a good way to gain support of citizen in a short period of time. Putin did the same when he annexed Crimea and Donbas. But if they become addicted to it, the only way is ruin. Once a war has been started, a dictator must wage war repeatedly to maintain power.

Remember what Hitler did. At that time, Germany was suffering from the Great Depression. n**i's annexation of Austria and Czechoslovakia enthralled the people and gained support for a while, but it does not solve the problem in essence. So they invaded Poland and committed suicide six years later in a bunker in Berlin.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that war is too risky for Putin. Total victory in modern warfare is not just winning the battle, but you need see the big picture. At some point, the brakes have to be applied, but it is difficult to expect such a thing from a dictator.
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Because Putin's primary purpose is to maintain his power. Even at the expense of the happiness of the whole Russians.
If that was his purpose, he could have just ignored Ukraine and the whole NATO story, and enjoy his billions in the easiest ways possible. He could also have cared less about the Russian speaking parts of Ukraine, as they weren't functional to his power.
Because Putin's strategy has garnered support by stimulating the nationalism of the elderly who long for the power of the Soviet Union(not a communism).

But even so, I thought it would be just a military threat, didn't expect a war. I was a little surprised that it was so different from the seasoned politician Putin I knew.

I was looking for you to provide some evidence that he does not have a plan. But instead your guessing and making assumptions what he is thinking .This is not a good idea and is where things go wrong in the geopolitical sphere.

War is always a zero sum game. Neither Russia or Ukraine will benefit from the conflict as I mentioned in another thread. Russian economy is being battered and I don't know if Ukraine has one left now.
Vladimir Putin is in his 70. His age is 69 age.
He does not care about economy, sanction, human right, atomic war, NATO ,USA etc.
He wants to do something to mark his name in history. He wants to create legacy for himself.
One man VS the whole world, He already put marks in world history.
Geopolitics 101 teaches that it's not the elderly who throw your seat but the youngsters.
And if there's one thing that Putin does not need are "votes" at the "elections".
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I was a little surprised that it was so different from the seasoned politician Putin I knew.

Why? It was inevitable. US called his bluff to his demands in talks and left no wiggle room. You either back down and lose face or carry through with your actions. The US was in same position when Taliban in Afghanistan refused to hand over Osama Bin Laden and instead wanted to hand him to a third party Islamic country. The US had been left with no choice but to invade or lose face.
you live in a dream world buddy.
Russia is either controlled by putin or a us pappet see yelzin and what it caused to russia.
Also your KIM family were educated in an elite school in switzerland with other childrens of the western elite so keep beliving they are still enemies
It's a checkmate for the Russian economy then... I wonder what the Russians will think of this war in the future. Will they, too, regret not getting out sooner? Just like US, nowdays.

My dream world is a world where my stock doesn't crash. To be honest, it doesn't matter what Putin thinks, I just want the world to have mercy on my account.
why you buy overpriced stocks ?
did you ever learned to value stocks based on their data ?
It's a checkmate for the Russian economy then... I wonder what the Russians will think of this war in the future. Will they, too, regret not getting out sooner? Just like US, nowdays.

Time will tell for Russia. I have no idea what their military objective is at this point as that will be close guarded secret. End of day Russia is Ukraine's biggest trading partner. Peace talks and cool minds will prevail.
fingers crossed.

Ukraine leadership has option to be like a Finland i.e an EU member and non-NATO member and problem solved in that aspect. Had they also clamped down on neo-n**i activity targeting ethnic Russians that would be a peaceful place. I cannot imagine having to flee my home or hide in a shelter and become a refugee. My heart goes out to the. But maybe now they will have more sympathy towards those in developing countries fleeing war.

P.S I know some of those countries are now mouthing joining NATO. I say good luck to them.
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Putin claiming the ukrainian forces using civilians a shields.
If he has any evidence of this, it would be huge, basically substantiating all of his line.
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