Russian President Putin announces military operation in Ukraine

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The rouble is soaring and Putin is stronger than ever - our sanctions have backfired​

P.S Don't read if your easily triggered .
A small price to pay for the freedom of Ukraine
Plus, the war is the so much waited for excuse for the Baltic countries to finally be able to express their Russophobia and unleash their rage against monuments, language, music, colors and letters of the alphabet
Quite a Westophobian statement

Ukraine has never been in default so far from what I know.
Russia was twice already.
Argentina 9 Times.

The US is obliged to provide everything that is in need in Ukraine because Ukraine has rejected the world's third nuclear potential by request of the US and guarantee of peace in early nineties. The UK and Russia were also members of the agreement.
If that did not happen we could have had a nuclear war today. Yet this is still possible.
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"We West, UK and USA are angels fighting for freedom and a fair, just world. That is, against the black forces -- Putin and Russia. We are together - against them!! Although now we're having a hard time, good always bits bad!".

I like russian propaganda better
Reactions: JohnnyDoe
It is good that you admit the fact that you like Russian propaganda. They spent billions on it. So some people in the West that think that they are clever and understand more than others and see hidden agendas can believe in whatever nonsense.
Not everything turns around the US and the Fed. There are some things going on in other countries too.
No one in the west is able to realize the whole horror of the Soviet Union. People are banging on about 5% inflation and high dentist fees, talking about how good Russia is comparing to the US. No one of them is able to realise even 1% of all s*it that is going on in CIS region. So when I see western or Middle east putin supporters it just make me smile.
Make yourself aware of some real culture of Russia(not the fake pushkin/ballet culture).
Watch movies Brother and Brother 2, Cargo 200, the Green Elephant. Then come back and we will discuss their propaganda.
Ukraine has never been in default so far from what I know.
You know very little: to it the many defaults of state owned banks (e.g. Ukreximbank) and other state owned companies like Naftogaz and you have one of the worst debtor nations on Planet Earth.

Russia was twice already.
In terms of international conditions it defaulted only once (in 1918). The 1998 default was on local debt, an internal problem from which it recoverd relatively fast. The Russian Federation as a member of CIS in fact never defaulted on anything external.
Read ->

You can compare it with Prussia/ Deutsches Reich/Germany: The country called Federal Republic of Germany never defaulted. However, it predecessors defaulted many times. Still nobody would come up with the idea to say that the Federal Republic of Germany is a bad debtor just because it's predecessors defaulted many times.
For educational purposes ->

Argentina 9 Times.
You can only count the defaults within the same time frame when comparing UA and AR. Considering this, both are on par - awful, unreliable debtors.
But there are enough stupid creditors on the planet who still lend to these countries

Stop mixing dumb war propaganda with economic facts (-> that's what You did with My post #1082 -> )
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its no phobia its the plan of the US to create the 3 sea initiative to make sure russia and germany can never join forces

no one is obligated s**t to ukraine.
all ukraine does is executing the geopolitical plan of US
they are simple sucker creating a war which has completly nothing to do about ukraine other than its location

how much are you getting paid per post ?can't find a decent job?
Reactions: backpacker
You know very little: to it the many defaults of state owned banks (e.g. Ukreximbank) and other state owned companies like Naftogaz and you have one of the worst debtor nations on Planet Earth.
No offence but you need to read more about what is a state default is.
Bankruptcy of the bank is not a default, even if there was a partial ownership of the state.
Buncruptcy of the company is not a default, even if there was a partial ownership of the government.
Ukraine was never in default, there was no a haircut for investors (unlike Russia). The link you provided is not credible, good luck to trust Zakhar Popovych with your investments.
"Worst debtor nation on the planet Eart" - you are a joker

The local debt default still makes it a default of the state. No matter how fast they recover, it is a default. And Russia defaulted just a month ago on the external debt, I presume you intentionally forgot it.
So, together with 1918 as you said, it makes it 3 times in default already.
"one the worst debtor on planet earth " - lol

How can you compare that? And why should we do that that? Lol

Once again, you are being manipulative. There was no a haircut for investors in Ukraine. You compare country with 0 defaults and 9 defaults. This is nonsense )
Once again, let's see what we have:
Ukraine - 0
Russia - 3
Argentina - 9

Stop mixing dumb war propaganda with economic facts (-> that's what You did with My post #1082 -> )
As I can see from above, you are not good at Economic facts at all, lol

its no phobia its the plan of the US to create the 3 sea initiative to make sure russia and germany can never join forces
Once again, the limited US centristic mindset. Try to find some more information about history of Ukraine and Russia.

no one is obligated s**t to ukraine.
all ukraine does is executing the geopolitical plan of US
they are simple sucker creating a war which has completly nothing to do about ukraine other than its location
Obliged as there is a legal document, the promises were made. And Russia broke its promises. So far the US and UK have not.
Ukraine has not created a war mate, Russia attacked Ukraine, not vice-versa. I believe we all can agree at least on this fact.

how much are you getting paid per post ?can't find a decent job?
I will simply leave this unanswered as a sign of your weakness in arguments. Lol Epic Trolling of the West - Time to move to Russia, Winter is coming
Before 1991 it was ballet an missiles.
Now they added cheap women and the gas. BTW vodka is not as popular as Boyarishnik there due to the extreme poverty.
I am packing my things and heading to MSK, comrad! lmao
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Reactions: troubled soul
lol what a propagandist you are.promise were made to russia which each and everyone was broken.ukraine is a nobody.No important at all.Its that its location which matters for military purpose and nothing else.
Who cares about the most corrupt country in europe run by nazis.
lol what a propagandist you are.promise were made to russia which each and everyone was broken.
Who made promises to Russians? On what?
Ukraine never strived to join NATO before the attack on Crimea. Less then 40% of population in Ukraine supported joining NATO before the Russian invasion of 2014.

ukraine is a nobody.No important at all.Its that its location which matters for military purpose and nothing else.
Well, that is your desire, but it does not reflect the reality. This is your private matter what to believe, but as for me you watched too much of RT TV channel, lol

Who cares about the most corrupt country in europe run by nazis.
You perfectly described Russia right now)
BTW do you know how they treat other nationalities in Russia? Asians are being most abused, they use the word Churka for them.
Also, pay attention to the rates of etnoses in the troops that were sent to Ukraine for certain death. The most of them are from Dagestan, Ichkeria, Buriatiya. The Russians themselves are in minority. What conclusions can you make based on that information?
Have you heard recent statement of Lavrov claiming that "the biggest anticemits always were jews"? Putin had to apologies for that statement later on.

As for Ukraine, the last two presidents were Jews, so that is not really credible statement lol
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Once again, you are being manipulative. There was no a haircut for investors in Ukraine. You compare country with 0 defaults and 9 defaults. This is nonsense )
Once again, let's see what we have:
Ukraine - 0
Russia - 3
Argentina - 9
There was no a haircut for investors in Ukraine.

If you want to appear at least half-way credible, learn about the economic history of the country you are promoting.
For your enlightenment, following a couple of articles I urge you to read before posting any further unqualified statements ->
* = The word "state default" only exists in the vocabulary of @Offshr . So, let's use default or government default. Mentioning Ukreximbank in this context is necessary and valid since it had no private investors (unlike Naftotgaz). The situation was similar with Ukrzaliznytsia.

** = Comparing the number of government defaults of Argentina disqualifies you: Independent Argentina exists since 1816 whereas independent Ukraine only exists since 1991.
I have given a hint in post #1'106 by mentioning "timeline", including an example of another country. You preferred to disregard the timeline - your loss.

*** = Haircut was about 20%, depending on what new bond an investor had chosen.

**** = If you include the fact that Ukraine stopped serving the "Russian Bond" (legitimate bond of UA, registered in Ireland), you have to add even one more default to the number of Ukrainian government defaults.

***** = Russia healed its internal default of 1998 relatively soon after.
As you might have learned by now, UA defaulted about two years later. Unfortunately, UA healed nothing. It was just a very dumb administered operation which left many people out of pocket.
Btw., the inflationary use of "lol" does not make your posts look more legitimate.

I have to leave it here since I am not getting paid for my posts. Anyway, I hope you have learned at least a tiny bit about the economic history of the country you promote so enthusiastically.
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Oh, you are back?
You spend so much time consulting with Zakhariy Popovich on misrepresentation of facts, that I thought you wouldn't return. Lol

First you said that Ukraine had default in 1998. When you realised that it was Russian default not Ukrainian you met Zakhariy Popovich again and he told you to take up another strategy.
So you came up with the articles from 2015!! about possible scenario of the past!!
Mate, all that restructuring has happened already, without default! Zakhariy did not tell you that? Lmao

Another thing is that you referring to the Russians all the time in your statement. This makes you not only funny, but also a person who is ready to trust anyone. Remember, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES you should believe what Russians says.
If you knew their culture you would realize that for them lie is a national sport, it is a part of their living. Remember what Bismark said about them? What Karamzin said about them? Go and learn!
I was just teaching you that default is not the same as buncruptcy. Go back and learn better!

Mate, I would not go deep into this nonsense you wrote. All your arguments does not change the score, as it is below on number of defaults:

Ukraine 0 defaults
Russia 3 defaults
Argentina 9 defaults

all other is just a manipulation.

I have to leave it here since I am not getting paid for my posts. Anyway, I hope you have learned at least a tiny bit about the economic history of the country you promote so enthusiastically.
If I would be paid for each nonsense that I see people post I would be a billioner by now. Unfortunately I need to teach some people for free.

Good luck and have a nice day!
Reactions: backpacker
Things are not going well for Russians in Ukraine.

The war showed that Russian military is completely obsolete, they have huge problems with logistics and commanding centres. Their best systems like c-300 proven themselves to be useless against modern weapons. Deployment of HIMARS changed the war, Russians suffer enormous losses:
The toughest sanctions in history decimated Russian economy that is moving back to 1991.
The ability to blackmail the west with cheap gas would remain for around 2 years from now, until they find substitute with Africa and the Middle East.

The only advantage remain for Russians is a nuclear weapon.

China is observing Russia loosing in Ukraine. Probably Putin will need to get military and economical support from China one day, in return of obeyance and partial loss of sovereignty de-facto.

Do you have any thoughts on that?
Reactions: RealDude


Poor angry and weak boy, you come with theoretical scenarious to try to persuade others how bad everything to come for Russia is. Because there's nothing else you can do. Who then has a problem: Russia or you?
how can i block users like you here?

Russia is already a vassal of China. It's time for a big party in China.
I'm having that feeling that offshorecorptalk is turning into a dumpster of political propaganda from both sides. Is there a chance that admins could limit this Ukraine / Russia topic by placing it in a segregated thread?
Reactions: JohnnyDoe
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