Russian President Putin announces military operation in Ukraine

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As sanctions bite Russia, fertilizer shortage poses threat to world food supply

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CHICAGO — Sky-high fertilizer prices have farmers worldwide scaling back its use and reducing the amount of land they’re planting, fallout from the Ukraine-Russia conflict that has some agricultural industry veterans warning of food shortages.

Western sanctions on Russia, a major exporter of potash, ammonia, urea and other soil nutrients, have disrupted shipments of those key inputs around the globe.

Fertilizer is key to keeping corn, soy, rice and wheat yields high. Growers are scrambling to adjust. The pivot can be seen in agricultural powerhouse Brazil, where some farmers are applying less fertilizer to their corn, and some federal legislators are pushing to open protected indigenous lands for the mining of potash.

In Zimbabwe and Kenya, small farmers are reverting to using manure to nourish their crops. In Canada, one canola farmer has already stockpiled fertilizer for the 2023 season in anticipation of even higher prices ahead.

Farmers elsewhere are making similar moves. Reuters spoke with 34 people on six continents, including grain producers, agriculture analysts, traders and farm groups. All expressed concern about the cost and availability of fertilizer.

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With obesity rates exceeding 75% among women, children and men, the positive impact of a global weight loss cure cannot be underestimated...
These problems began long before the Russian invasion (but they are greatly exacerbated by it) and also stem from supply chain shortages caused by the gross overreaction to the "pandemic" and our own mindless stupidity in sacrificing energy supplies on the alter of climate change buffoonery.

Doomberg published a great article on the topic a few days ago. All of these potential famine risk factors are now being called "The Perfect Storm." The article is well worth reading. It is downright scary. Talk about unintended consequences. This issue is probably worthy of a separate thread.
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Create a new thread for the topic and tag me in. So we can keep this one clean from off topic stuff.
Reactions: KDX
Interesting, is here some ukrainians, who at the start of the war were not in Ukraine, for example, for work somewhere or on vacation in other country, and now cannot return home? How many are there? We for example have a difficult situation, we don’t even have basic things (I'm not talking about larger financial problems), because when we left Ukraine in February, we didn’t even think that this could begin unfortunately. The first weeks were helped by good people, but now it's getting harder.
Reactions: cuno
Would you get drafted if you did go home to Ukraine and how would you feel about that if you did?
we obviously don't know much about your situation but maybe it's time to reconsider what's going on here and use the opportunity and current sentiment to establish residency and start (new) life elsewhere

I know it sounds hard and easy to say from someone else but I know quite a lot about the region and IN MY OPINION (not saying it's the only truth) no one sane would return to Ukraine if he doesn't really have to no matter how it's gonna evolve and end

your country is in the middle of the new cold war, not mentioning it was far from "paradise" before the conflict
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Martin Everson

I think not really. A lot more people signed up as soldiers but there are no free weapons. A couple of my friends signed up, but they were not taken, as there were no places.


Thanks man, you are right so sure. But relatives are there. At least everything is difficult for start, since there is practically no cash with you, there is only a backpack with a pair of shorts and socks. Well, a laptop, of course.


Leaving? You think was will come here too?

Leaving? You think was will come here too?
No. Please ask them personally. You will be able to identify them quickly here, since they are Putin experts or lateral thinkers.

Back to the topic. If I were in your place, assuming that you are in a Schengen area country, then I would pick the most attractive EU country where my professional and linguistic qualifications are in demand and register there as an official refugee. After registration you will have a work permit and you can apply for jobs immediately.
Ukraine has no future as sad as it is.Russia is winning the war and russia needs a neutral ukraine with no infrastructur to make it unattractive for Nato in futre.
Some agencies stats shows the ppp for ukraine in 2025.It was at the level of india.
So i recommend a better place where a new start is way easier.

Leaving? You think was will come here too?
Possibility is growing since western countries are more and more activly joining the war even by providing weapons in a conflict zone.
Cyberattacks etc are in everyminds talk

There is such a plan. It's just not fast and not everything is done at once


As for who wins, I have a little different information. As for the future, it's hard to say, but Russia definitely doesn't have it for sure. They go deeper and deeper into isolation.
don't get me wrong......but you are beliving to much ukrainian and western mass media propaganda.
Ukraine has zero chance.
Russia is moving slowly as they don't bomb on purpose cities like the US do .They keep civilian infrastructur up and most important try to win the war by siege and cutting of resources.
The western media which claims ukraine is winning have no clue what they are talking about or are paid shills.
Remember Ukraine is a key country for great reset and more important it is deciding about the future of russia.Russia can't lose ukraine to Nato else it would mean the current establishment and russia would stop existing.
So its a fight of death or live for russia.It has nothing to do with empiral thinking but the future existing of current russia.
Okay, but why do you think that Ru cannot lose, and it has a future? All empires lose sooner or later. All the brains left Russia long ago and continue to leave, all the technologies there have not been advanced for a long time. Nuclear weapon? Well, not only them has it. And if Russia does at least do something, it will immediately receive such a blow that it will never be able to recover. And they understand it. Also China wants part of Ru for sure (Siberian). Did Russian propaganda say that they would capture Kyiv in three days? More than a month have passed.

Therefore, I would not be so categorical.

They don't bomb on cities? Are you sure? Just look what they did with Mariupol and Kharkiv, lol
Thats propaganda .
Russia has a bright future.Russia owns all major resources.
Russia has ZERO debt
Russia could already today back 25% of its ruble by physical gold
Russia is thanks to the sanctions which are already for decades a full self supplier.
Smart money is moving to russia.Don't listen to western propaganda that russia is bankrupt.
How can a country with zero debt,biggest resources and so much physical gold be bankrupt.Total nonsense.

And sorry but i won't argue with you about geopolitical level as we are clearly in diffrent realities where yours seems to be out of mass media.

Mariupol=Azanov and kharkov is intact......full energy,heat,internet,phone networks.
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