Russian President Putin announces military operation in Ukraine

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Supposedly, the well-respected head of the Russian Central Bank resigned five days ago. I am surprised that I have not seen more news coverage of it. Now, another well-respected Russian economist has resigned from his government position and fled Russia. Those are not the signs of a stable government. It seems that no one wants to serve a government led by a war criminal.
what you mean with that ?I bought RUB for USDT and had no issues a week ago
Sorry, I don't know how it works with crypto, I'm an FX guy. We have USD/RUB, EUR/RUB etc, so if you want to go LONG RUB you must short the pair, as pairs are quoted: currency 1 vs. currency 2 (denomination currency, RUB in this case). Again, I'm not into crypto, so apologies if I caused any misunderstanding.

FX brokers (prime brokers and Bank platforms included) stopped allowing trading in RUB pairs Feb 25th, so we're locked out of that opportunity as well.

Reactions: JohnnyDoe
what you mean with that ?I bought RUB for USDT and had no issues a week ago
He was discussing creating a synthetic position for holding Rubles, which can be created by buying or selling the underlying financial instruments and/or derivatives. If several instruments that have the same payoff as investing in the underlying asset are bought or sold, then you can create a synthetic underlying position.

Personally, I always prefer to hold the actual underlying asset, currency, or financial instrument, rather than creating a synthetic position. But for some positions, you may not have a choice. Watch the film "The Big Short," where Michael Burry had to approach big investment banks to create such positions. Those big investment banks thought that they were taking candy from a baby, but subsequent events proved otherwise.

Putin continues to purge his inner circle and place government officials under house arrest. He appears more paranoid as criticism of the war by various government officials continue to mount.
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Damn, if you know who he is . . . that is really crazy. Sergei Shoigu is one of Putin's most loyal comrades and widely seen as his most likely successor. So, I assumed that he was a hard-liner. That is a very disturbing development.

There are now at least a handful of high-ranking Russian government and military leaders who have resigned and fled the country, are under house arrest, or have simply disappeared.

In the case of Sergei Shoigu, the most horrifying scenario (I have no idea whether it might be true) is that Putin is proactively neutralizing anyone who could most easily replace him. Stalin's playbook.
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Reactions: RealDude
Always take Western media propaganda with a pinch of salt. Or Russian propaganda for that matter. Their job is to spew propaganda for click-bait and gas-lighting, it's not for keeping you informed anymore (they stopped doing that a long time ago). SO while it all may be true, I'd be skeptical of any info coming from any side. I can't do much about it anyway, so (really) why bother?


A nice gesture of a n**i and Genocide Regime:​

Ukraine uses facial recognition to identify dead Russian soldiers, minister says​

„Ukraine had been using Clearview AI software to find the social media accounts of dead Russian soldiers.

From there, authorities are messaging relatives to make arrangements to collect the body“
Reactions: troubled soul
I am not a Catholic, but I am a believer. As a student of history, I am familiar with the miracle at Fatima. I also watched the movie "Fatima" last year, which is a very powerful film based on the Our Lady of Fatima events in 1917, which occurred in Portugal shortly after the Russian Revolution.

The appearances predicted WWII and several other events. Interestingly, the last prediction involved Russia: of Russia to,Fátima in 13 July 1917.
At the formal request of the Episcopal Conference of Ukrainian Catholic Bishops, Pope Francis announced he would consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on 25 March 2022 at Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome. A consecration ceremony is also scheduled in Fatima, Portugal by the Papal almoner, Cardinal Konrad Krajewski. That is tomorrow.

Please, let us all pray for peace -- and for the people of Ukraine, Russia, and the world.
These days the Antichrist is on the other side of the ocean, my friend.
I've seen today a mainstream news broadcast where one of their guests confirmed that the USA are actively stopping UA gov from negotiating as they (DoD) consider them too willing to meet Russia's requests.
Demoralized Russian troops kill their own commanding officer after suffering heavy losses.
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