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Rethinking corporate structure

Something I have always wondered about with those "anonymous companies" is - what if someone wants to buy the company at some point?
Wyoming LLCs are typically used for "self-employment" purposes, simple trading activities etc. If you ever want to sell anything, it mainly is the customer based, domain, stock it trademarks. All of them are typically transferred without the need to change the ownership of the company.

If you have something with substance and employees, there is tax involved and you typically opt for a Delaware LLC or C Corp. Delaware has substantial amount of case law, which make it favourable for investors as many disputes don't need to go to court. You can simply take similar cards from the past and come to an agreement quickly.
Those are not anonymous. They mentioned Mentor Group Gold.
You mean those with totally fake owners? I think you only had this for utter nullshit such as selling fakes or holding fake IP in the form of dubious pr0n only used to send out cease and desist letters to German individuals in hope of scoping the last 300 before the lawyers licence gets cancelled. Or VAT missing trader fraud.

Pretty sure nobody wants to buy such scams. I mean apart from the homeless. They may see an advantage of free food and bed in prison.

If the business only had the slightest amount of seriousness, you can afford a Swiss AG with local director for 10k per year.
Depending on how the company is setup or what is it you try to say ?

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@JustAnotherNomad Ok, thanks! I thought you were replying to my post above.
Keep in mind if UBO shareholder is NOT a Swiss resident, there's a risk of UP TO 35% Swiss withholding tax on dividends


Therefore, as non Swiss resident, look for example in Liechtenstein or such
If you just take out the money as salary on a loan slip you won't have troubles with that. I don't think we speak avoiding taxes overall it is about anonymity right?
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