Please keep in mind that getting certificates or tax IDs is not the same as being tax resident of a country.
For instance, you cannot get the Thai tax residence
certificate without being 180 days in Thailand AND having paid tax:
Certificate of Residence (Individual Taxpayer).
Also, be careful with assuming that having a tax number in Georgia (or in any country) makes you a tax resident there. I have tax numbers in a variety of countries, but that doesn't necessarily make me a tax resident in any of them, even if I pay some taxes in those countries, because I don't spend enough time there.
But again, whether your home country will go after you depends on what your home country is. Countries like Spain or Italy won't let you go that easily and will consider you guilty of tax evasion until you prove your innocence, and good luck proving your innocence with the residency
certificate from Pattaya after having spent only a week partying there.
Other EU countries don't care or have the resources to go after people who leave, so once you leave you're gone. I'm just assuming OP is from a country like Italy/Spain/Germany, in order to err on the side of caution.